
Sunday, November 23, 2014

2015 Mythology Reading Challenge

Hi guys! Welcome to the 2015 Mythology Reading Challenge, previously hosted by Tiffany @ About to Read. I LOVE mythology, so when Tiffany approached me and asked me if I would like to host the mythology challenge this coming year, I was beyond excited! I made a couple of changes, but basically, the challenge is to read as many full-length novels as you can that have a prominent mythology theme. I hope you'll join me in reading the exciting stories mythology has to tell!

The Rules:

  • The challenge will run from January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015. You can sign up at any time.
  • The book does not need to be released in 2015, but it does need to be read in 2015. Any books read before or after 2015 will not count toward this challenge. ARCs are okay.
  • Crossovers from other Reading Challenges are also okay!
  • You don't need to pick your books ahead of time, but you can if you want to!
  • You do, however, need to pick a level (see below). Keep in mind that you can move UP in the levels, but not DOWN, 'kay? ;)
  • The books read must have a prominent mythology theme. They can be Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse... you get the idea.
  • The books can be YA, MG, adult... pretty much anything!
  • Books can be any format (e-book, audio, print).
  • You do not need to have a blog to participate. You can link up using your Goodreads account, Library Thing or any other platform.
  • And the most important rule of all, HAVE FUN! :D

The Levels:

Demigod Level: 1-5 Mythology Books
God Level: 6-10 Mythology Books
Titan Level: 11-20 Mythology Books
Monster Level: 21+ Mythology Books

Sign up!

Ready to join the fun? Write up a blog post with your intention of joining the Reading Challenge and include the level you've chosen and the button below. Then come back and link up your post! Type in your blog name and link to your sign-up post in the linky below:

Need some mythology book recommendations? Click here!

The Giveaway:

That's right, there's a giveaway! I'll be giving away a mythology book of the winner's choice! :D You get an entry just for signing up and later on, when the challenge actually starts, you'll be able to earn more entries by reviewing those mythology books you've been reading AND by commenting on other participants's reviews! I'll be posting a review link-up quarterly, starting at the beginning of the year.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab the Button!

Add it to your sign-up post, add it to side bar of your blog! Add it to wherever you want! :D

I really hope you'll join me in on the fun, and if you have any questions or comments feel free to e-mail me or leave them down below!


  1. I feel like I've been discovering and reading a lot of mythology books lately! I finished one earlier today that had a mix of Greek, Norse, Hawaiian, and Native American. It was fun! So I think I'm going to sign up. :D

  2. Oooooh, I'm so signing up for this! I'll be writing my sign-up post for it tomorrow so I'll be officially signing up! My first challenge for next year! ;)
    I am gonna aim for God level and hopefully move up during the year, but I think 6 books will be more than doable!

    1. I think 6 is definitely an attainable goal! Glad to have ya, Pili! :)

  3. This seems interesting! But I'm too much of a chicken to actually participate. o.o Mythology and I get along at 3 on a scale of 10. BUT I hope everyone has lots of fun doing this! :D

    1. Haha, well it's very low commitment if you change your mind (1 book!) ;)

  4. I am all signed up for Demigod level fro the time being :) Can't wait!

    1. Awesome! Can't wait tot see the mythology books you read this year!

  5. This is fantastic Lili! I've been thinking though, when you say prominent theme, can they be retellings of a mythology story? Like Everneath/Everbound/Evertrue are retellings Hades and Persephone, would that be allowed? Just wondering, because if so, I'm so signing up! :)

  6. Oh definitely! If it's got mythology, it counts! :)

  7. I love this idea! Signing up now!

  8. Hey Lili! I learned about this challenge from Angie @Pinkindle and I think it's a great idea! I'm in! :)

    1. Great to have you Brandee! Hope you have fun!

  9. This is a great idea! Now maybe I'll have some motivation to read some books I keep meaning to.

    1. Reading challenges are always a great motivator! ;)

  10. Make way for the demi-god wanna-bes! Excited to join in!

    1. Oh yeah! You go, demigod! Thanks for joining! :)

  11. A Titan I hope to be. I am excited about this reading challenge!

  12. What an awesome challenge. I just signed up for this, and I can't wait to get started!

  13. I've not read many mythology books yet but I am interested in the genre so I'm going to try the Demigod level this time. I'm looking forward to this challenge.

    1. Well, welcome, Tizzy! I hope you find some amazing mythology reads this year!

  14. Please, count me.
    I can't enter in the link ..

  15. I'm so pleased to be taking part in this challenge, it's exciting and I cannot wait to read some of my Mythology books sitting on my shelves. Thanks Lilii for hosting :)

    1. I'm excited to see what mythology books you read this year! Thanks so much for joining! :D
