
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Showcase Sunday (#6)

Welcome to Showcase Sunday, hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed form the libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week. For more information about how this feature works and to join in, click here.


I didn't get a whole lot this week...but I am absolutely in LOVE with what I did get! Croak, anyone?

Croak by Gina Damico

I LOVE this book! It has to be one of my most favoritest books ever! And the cover is wicked cool too! It's all reflecty and stuff! When I got the book in the mail on Friday I was super excited! I showed my family the reflective cover...they just gave me a look that said, "And I should care because..." They don't understand my excitement -_- lol

Stuck the bookplate in my book! I love how it says "Happy reaping! reading!" Reapers FTW!

Cool swag I got from Gina herself: A bookmark, that smaller one is a magnet (how cool is that!), and a signed bookplate!

So that's all I got this week. What bookish things did you get?? Tell me in comments or leave me a link!


  1. Well, I get it. Enjoy your latest. :-)

  2. Croak sounds so good! I'm going to have to get it from the library soon.

    Happy reading! :D

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

    1. Croak is AWESOME!

      Thanks for stopping by :)
