
Monday, August 6, 2012

Review: Dark Passage by Griffin Hayes

Dark Passage
Title: Dark Passage

Author: Griffin Hayes

Genre: YA, horror

Publication date: March 2012

Published by: Trebor Books

Source: review copy from author (Thanks!)

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When Tyson Barrett closes his eyes, nightmares torture him—visions from a traumatic childhood so horrifying he hasn’t slept in months. He's already lost his wife and their young son and now his business is on the verge of collapse. A last ditch effort to end Tyson's nightmares and cure his insomnia results in what appears to be a miracle cure; one that promises to solve both his medical and personal problems.

But this miracle cure has a dark side. Now, whenever Tyson dreams something unspeakable follows him back from that other place, an abomination born from the darkest depths of his psyche...and it isn't working alone. There's something else waiting to come out. An evil more terrifying than Tyson could ever have imagined and now it wants his son.

Some dreams were never meant to come true.

My rating: ★★★★☆

This book was seriously creepy! And that's a good thing 'cause I LOVE horror novels! At one point it was soooo creepy (and more than a bit gruesome) that I had to stop eating my snack. Is that a good thing? Well, if it was trying to creep the heck out of me, then yes! Mission accomplished, lol!

The storyline was really interesting and kept me wanting to find out more...I'm always up for cracking a mystery!

I also really liked the Persian mythology reference...I am in love with mythology! But because my expertise lies in Greek mythology, I had to look up the deity they mentioned...not that I mind ;) I love learning new things about any type of mythology :)

One of the main reasons why I accepted to review this book, aside from the fact that it's horror, was because it involved dreams. I really like psychology, and when I took a psych class a while ago, my favorite section was that on sleep and dreams. Up until now, this sort of stuff still fascinates me.

I have a cousin who is in nursing school and she just got done visiting a psychiatric hospital. One year from now I'm going to be in her same position, and because I like psych, I was super excited! But now that I read this (because a psychiatric hospital is part of the setting), I'm not as excited, lol.

I love that books can cause me to feel all these emotions. I don't know why, but I love being frightened! It's why I like to watch horror movies, too! And Griffin Hayes has done it again with his writing, even though it's got me a little paranoid about nursing school next year, lol.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and all its creepiness! I would not recommend it to those who don't like horror novels or are more than a bit squeamish.

I'll definitely be on the look out for more books by this author :)

Alternate cover:

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by. Are you on twitter yet?! ... since you have so much time to kill starting nursing school. :)
