
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Review: Duplicity (Spellbound #2) by Nikki Jefford

Duplicity (Spellbound, #2)
Title: Duplicity

Series: Spellbound #2

Previous book in this series: Entangled

Author: Nikki Jefford

Genre: YA, paranormal

Publication date: May 2012

Published by: Nikki Jefford

Source: review copy from author (thanks!)

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If Graylee Perez thought sharing a body with her twin sister was bad, dealing with a duplicate of herself is two times worse. Gray the second doesn’t seem to get that Lee’s boyfriend, Raj McKenna, is off limits. Then there’s the problem of Adrian Montez. He expects one of the Grays to be his.

Nearly a year later, the council is onto them for past misdeeds; Lee, along with the rest of the coven, has lost control of her powers; and Gray is being stalked by what looks like the Grim Reaper.

If they work together, they may stand a chance of setting things right and making it out alive.

My rating: ★★★★★

Ten months after the occurrences in Entangled, Graylee (now known as Lee) is still trying to settle into her new life as Stacey Morehouse. However, a few days before her death anniversary, a second Gray shows up in Charlene's body. My reaction: O.O WTF?? Is that even possible? Well, apparently it is. But this second Graylee (who goes by Gray) does not have the memories of those last ten months. For her, it's only been days after her death. Everyone is confused with the two Graylee's and they don't know what to do. But Mom's "Contact" (who looks A LOT like the freakin' Grim Reaper...creepy) seems to know exactly what to do with Gray...and let's just say that it's not a good thing for her.

As if two Graylee's weren't enough trouble, Adrian the Avenger is back doing what he does best: causing trouble. But wait, there's more! The town seems to be under some sort of spell, 'cause all the witches and warlocks are having magical malfunctions (but I actually like Raj's magical malfunction ;))

I cannot begin to tell you how much I am loving this series! I am a huge fan of magic and witches (and swoon-worthy guys)! Duplicity?? More like Awesomicity! Okay, that was a fail, lol. But you get what I'm saying ;)

I really liked that there were a lot of things going on at once, yet it didn't feel kept the plot interesting. I am seriously loving all the diverse characters, but having two Graylee's kinda threw me off...I mean, they're technically the same person, but they're different at the same time! I felt kinda bad for Gray, 'cause Raj was off limits for her. I found myself routing for Lee, then I found myself routing Gray, too. Now I'm just wondering what the heck is going to happen to Gray. And where in the world is Charlene?? Oh she is NOT going to be happy when she comes to (probably in another body...that's most likely French, LOL).

The story is very unique and it held my attention all the way through. I mean, how could it not when the first sentence of the book was this: Lee found it difficult to concentrate on mathematics when all she could think about was jumping her boyfriend's bones. I'm giggling even now. It was hot, hot , HOT! It wasn't overly explicit, but boy did Nikki make me blush ;)

I am super excited to find out what's going to happen in Enchantment!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for Enchantment either! This series is so much fun!

    PS. Don't forget to sign up for the 2013 Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge!
