
Friday, December 27, 2013

Top 10 Books I’m looking forward to in 2014

This is the second time I join this event and I absolutely LOVE it! It basically showcases my reading year in a nutshell... even though it's tough choosing ONLY 10 books, lol.

Here is the complete schedule of what will be coming up this week:

Monday, December 23rd: Best Books I’ve Read in 2013
Tuesday, December 24th: Best Book Covers of 2013
Wednesday, December 25th: Best Novellas, Debuts, & NA Books of 2013
Thursday, December 26th: Best Book Boyfriends of 2013
*Friday, December 27th: Top 10 Books I’m looking forward to in 2014*

Killer Frost (Mythos Academy, #6) Odin's Ravens (The Blackwell Pages, #2) Unhinged (Splintered, #2)

I cannot believe Mythos Academy is coming to an end already! *sobs* I love Mythos Academy so much and Logan too! It's bittersweet, but I cannot wait to read Killer Frost!

Odin's Ravens is another mythology book... half my list is basically mythology books, lol. I'm excited to dive into this MG novel with a Norse mythology twist! The first book was awesome!

I LOVE Anita's creepy take on Wonderland, so I can't wait to get Unhinged! Also, I *heart* Jeb so hard! And, ahem, have you guys seen these pics of wet Jeb? Because *drools*

Wet Jeb yumminess Splintered by A.G. Howard Jeb Splintered by A.G. Howard

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus, #5) Percy Jackson's Greek Gods Stone of Destiny (The Danaan Trilogy, #2)

Rick Riordan... whooo! I love Percy Jackson! And oh my gods, I cannot believe Heroes of Olympus is almost over as well! *sobs*

And Stone of Destiny... one word: Ethan! Well, that and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Alienated (Alienated, #1) The Nightmare Dilemma (The Arkwell Academy, #2) Infinite (Newsoul, #3)

And I may be cheating a little here since I just finished reading Alienated... but I have so much love for this book! It was so freakin' great!

And of course, The Nightmare Dilemma and Infinite... two of the best series I have ever read! I cant wait to get my hands on these books!

AND Hellhole by Gina Damico which does not have a cover yet!

What books are you looking forward to next year?? Let me know in the comments or leave me a link to your post!


  1. I have an ARC of Infinite and my preorder of Unhinged has arrived early so that's how I'm gonna spend my weekend!! Great list! I also agree with Alienated & The Nightmare Dilemma!

    1. Oh, LUCKY!!! I Can't wait to get my hand on Unhinged!! I NEEDS it!! Soon, soon... ;)

  2. UNHINGED!! YES! I'm a Jeb lover as well! :) I can't wait to read this one!!! And Alienated!!! And Infinite!!! But I still need to read Asunder. It's another on my TBR shelf. Le sigh. I need to stop buying books!!

    1. Yay! Team Jeb FTW!! :D Yeah, I still need to read Asunder as well, lol
