
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Top 10 of 2013: Best Book Boyfriends of 2013

This is the second time I join this event and I absolutely LOVE it! It basically showcases my reading year in a nutshell... even though it's tough choosing ONLY 10 books, lol.

Here is the complete schedule of what will be coming up this week:

Monday, December 23rd: Best Books I’ve Read in 2013
Tuesday, December 24th: Best Book Covers of 2013
Wednesday, December 25th: Best Novellas, Debuts, & NA Books of 2013
*Thursday, December 26th: Best Book Boyfriends of 2013*
Friday, December 27th: Top 10 Books I’m looking forward to in 2014

I think this one might be my favorite post! Eeep! Lets take a look at my fave book boyfriends this year:

Midnight Frost (Mythos Academy, #5) The Forgotten Ones (The Danaan Trilogy, #1) Audrey's Guide to Black Magic (Audrey's Guides, #2) The Nightmare Affair (The Arkwell Academy, #1)

Midnight Frost: Logan (Freaking) Quinn... he has always been and will always be my #1 book boyfriend! If you have not read this series yet, I highly recommend you do! You will fall head-over-heels in love with this guy! In the exterior, he has this bad boy yumminess going on, and on the inside, once you get to know him, he is the sweetest most charming guy ever! He is just so protective of his Gypsy Girl and such a loyal friend, and he is just so swoon-worthy! I *heart* him so hard!

The Forgotten Ones: Ethan... here we have another charming, sweet guy. He is also a huge flirt and total heart-breaker, but he is really very sweet and just so much fun!

Audrey's Guide to Black Magic: Julian is another very sweet guy... yeah, I have a weakness for sweet guys ;) I love this guy so much I think I actually went through Julian withdrawal when he was gone in the book, lol.

The Nightmare Affair: As brooding and moody and grumpy as Eli was in the beginning, I adored him! He really grows on you ;) He is just so gorgeous and swoon-worthy and there is this undeniable chemistry between he and Dusty!

Northern Bites (Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter, #2) Enchantment (Spellbound, #3) Stirring Up Trouble (Stirring Up Trouble, #1)

Aurora Sky: Dante... he is just the most fun, charming, and adorable guy ever! And that hot flirtation... I am SO Team Dante ;)

Enchantment: As much as I love Raj, Adrian totally took the cake in this one... and he stole my heart too ;) Under that mischievous warlock exterior, there is a very sweet and loving guy you can't help but fall for.

Stirring up Trouble: I *heart* Jake! Mischievous, gorgeous, and tons of fun!  'nough said :)

My Sister's Reaper The Chaos of Stars Clockwise (Clockwise, #1)

My Sister's Reaper: Gavin... *swoon* Mysterious, sweet, and I just adored him!

The Chaos of Stars: Ry was also very sweet but with a touch of confidence (read: arrogance) that made him irresistible! Love him!

Clockwise: At first, Nate is very unhappy about accidentally traveling back in time with Casey. He is also really moody and grumpy, but as he and Casey spend more time together, we get to see the softer side him. He is really sweet and very protective and just so cute!

Yep... all I can do as I write this post is *swoon!* Nice, sweet guys and bad boys... So much hotness! ;) Nice guys vs. Bad boys... which are your fave??

[Chester, there is a big difference between bad boys and bad guys... bad boys = *swoon*; bad guys = stop being such a jerk-face! lol]

I want to know who which book boyfriends you fell for this year! Let me know in the comments or leave me a link to your post!


  1. Love Eli, LOVE Adrian, Like Dante (I'm Team Fane!). So nice to see Adrian getting some love, adore that nut job! ;)

  2. Methinks I need to read Midnight Frost ASAP!! Thanks for including Ethan <3

  3. Oh my gods yes!! Mythos Academy is seriously the best!!!
    And of course I added Ethan... he's ETHAN!!! ;) lol
