
Friday, July 11, 2014

Review: Stakeout (Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter #2.5) by Nikki Jefford

Stakeout (Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter #2.5)
Title: Stakeout

Series: Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter #2.5

Previous books in this series: Aurora Sky (#1) | Northern Bites (#2)

Author: Nikki Jefford

Genre: New Adult, paranormal

Publication date: January 2014

Published by: Nikki Jefford

Source: From author for review

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Noel Harper got a second chance at life when the government recruited her as an undercover vampire informant. Since the day they brought her back from the good-as-dead, she has wanted to prove herself worthy.

When a member of her investigative unit is murdered, Noel is paired up with a vampire hunter named Dante to spy on a suspect in Fairbanks. The problem? They're not the only ones on stakeout. Taking down murderous vampires is one thing. Dealing with the past is another. But this time, Noel isn't letting fear win. She's calling in help from the other side and discovers a shocking secret along the way.

(STAKEOUT is an Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter novella told from Noel Harper’s POV. Approximately 54,000 words.)

My rating: ★★★★☆

Stakeout is a novella told in Noel's POV, and if you were like me when you read the end of Northern Bites (pissed off and shocked at what happened between Fane and Noel), well this is a must-read for you!

I was so surprised when I read the ending of Northern Bites... I just couldn't understand it! But oh my gods did I get what I wanted in this little short story! Through Noel's eyes, we get to see what was really happening when Aurora saw Fane and Noel at one of Marcus's parties. I had my suspicions, and they were confirmed... Guys, you will never believe it! It's a total plot twist! This revelation just changes everything for Aurora and the gang.

We also get see what Dante and Noel's assignment is all about, which actually sets everything for Bad Blood, while Valerie and Aurora nearly die and deal with the jerk-face Jared. Nothing this exciting happens to Noel and Dante, but it was a lot of fun to follow them around, nonetheless.

I really loved getting a peek into Noel's head and getting to know her better. In this novella I just felt so sympathetic towards her with all the crap that was going on in her life. She is such a deep character, and I was so happy we got to know more about her.

Another character that I surprisingly liked as well? Fane. In the past, I thought he was just an "okay" character (dont kill me!). He didn't wow me and I didn't fall head-over-heels in love with the guy, but you know what, I'm actually really starting to like this him! He was just a very sweet guy and such a great friend, despite what we all saw in Northern Bites. But deep down I think I will always be a Team Dante sort of girl ;)

Speaking of Dante, I LOVED him, of course! He's so fun and lovable and you can't help but like him, even if it is in the big brother sort of way.

Overall, I really liked the novella. I mean, we finally got some answers (and then some!). Some of the scenes overlapped with Northern Bites, which I loved. Getting Noel's perception on the events that transpired in book two was one of my favorite things about the novella! As I said, i definite MUST-read if you're dying to know what happened that night at the party!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)


  1. I completely agree! This is one of those novellas well worth the read! Full of backstory and important information!!

    1. Yes! This one especially! So much information about Noel that I just couldn't have imagined! It was great!
