
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday Post #64: Laptop Fail

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week! Let's get started!

*Sigh* I always seem to wait till the last minute to post these memes, LOL. In my defense, we were out and about watching the Super Bowl... watching the Seahawks lose for one stupid mistake! Or so I'm told. I don't really understand this football thing, but apparently the coach made a really bad call. But even though I don't really understand it, I was routing for them! As a Washington State resident I feel obligated to cheer them on... also my dad and brothers are HUGE fans so I don't really have a choice, lol. Anyway, I was kind of disappointed, too, that they lost :(

Basically what I did to fix it... lol
Also, my laptop finally stopped charging for good. I used to be able to jiggle the cable until it started charging, but it just completely stopped working like 3-4 days ago * sigh* That's another reason why my posts this week have been kind of wonky... I don't like sitting in front of my desktop! But that last part has more to do with the fact that our computer chair also broke this week. It like leans forward and you feel like you're going to fall on your face if you're not careful! But if you sit just right, it's still usable ;) Lol. Why yes, I'm currently sitting in the stupid chair, haha!

In bookish-nail-art related news, I'm not done with the design yet, Lol. But not because it's difficult... because I'm lazy, hehe. I've got my base color down, now it's just a matter of applying a couple of details and adding a top coat. But do not fear! That post will go up this Friday, for sure!


Posts you may have missed:

Book Haul


Down Under with the Hottie (Investigating the Hottie Book 3)

I have been waiting for Down Under with the Hottie for, like EVER! I love Juli Alexander's books, so I was super excited when she finally released another book this past week! I also did a little shopping on Book Outlet, again. I got a $5 cupon off any order, no minimum amount required, so I was super excited! I basically only paid for shipping, like $4.50, or so! I got Taken which has been on my to-read list FOREVER! And I also got No Angel which I thought just sounded really cute and kinda hot ;)

For Review:

Sisters of Blood and Spirit The Third Twin

I'm SO excited to read these two! Especially considering that both of these were in my Top 10 most anticipated books of 2015 this past December! Eeeep! Thanks to Harlequin Teen for Sisters of Blood and Spirit and to Delacorte Press for The Third Twin!


Of Sun & Moon (Midnight Guardian, #1) Different (Tainted Elements, #1) Winging It! (Confessions of an Angel-In-Training, #1) Zombie Thanksgiving: A YA Paranormal Story

[Click the image to take you to the Amazon page! But check the price first to make sure it's still free!]

How was your guys' week? Did you guys watch the game? What you think? Did you guys get some awesome bookish things this week? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. Booo for laptop problems! Mine is in working condition, but the right button on the mouse pad is broken, so I've been having to use a mouse. And my audiodriver keeps uninstalling, then whenever it tries to update itself, my laptop crashes! Stop trying to update!!! Gahhh!!!

    I can't wait to see your next nail design! :D

    Angie @ Pinkindle
