
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday Post #73: Me, Music-Obsessed? Nahhh

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week! Let's get started!

So, what have I been up to, you may or may not have been asking yourselves. Well, to be completely honest, nothing much. I got into another horrible reading slump that was actually accompanied by this overwhelming sense of un-motivation to blog... again! It was starting to feel like work, when this is supposed to be fun! Every time this happens I know I need to step away and just wait it out. One thing I noticed, though, was that these periods of me leaving usually happen around the same time! It's SO weird! This time it happened from April-May, last year also in April, and the year before in March! I don't know what it is about this time of year that causes this, but I thought that was a very interesting observation.

Anyway, so if I haven't been reading of blogging, what have I been doing? My blog is called Lili Lost in a Book, right? Well, I was lost in a book, just not reading one---I was writing my own! On the last Sunday Post I mentioned how I had joined NaNo Camp, well, that was in April. But in the month of May I continued to write... a lot! (Well, at least for me it was a lot, lol.) In April I wrote nearly 10,000 words, but not quite (Still it was over 9,000 ;))

It's Over 9000 by Hellknight10 on DeviantArt
Come on Vegeta, be happy for me ;) lol

In May, I ended up writing a little bit over 15,000 words!! That is pretty amazing! Writing is hard! Currently I'm at about 40,000 words, and I'd like to think I'm at least halfway done with it. But who knows...

"Writing is hard." -Chuck, Supernatural

What I've been listening to (music wise):

I've always loved Fall Out Boy's songs, but ever since I started by Music board on Pinterest, I've become ridiculously obsessed with the band! Like, even more than I was before. It's ridiculous. I've been watching their interviews on YouTube nonstop. I also went back and got some of their older songs I didn't already have, which was actually a handful. So I've been listening to their songs, both old and new, for, like, Centuries! (See what I did there? 'Cause they have a song called Centuries...

(Gif) the way Patrick winks though

oh never mind!) So don't be surprised if in any future posts you spot any FOB gifs ;) I also just realized this post should've been called FOB-Obsessed... LOL.
Also, Panic! at the Disco finally released a new single and oh my gods! It's SO good! The first day I found Hallelujah, I listened to it on repeat for, I don't know, an hour probably (maybe even more). It's just so good and I can't wait to hear more from them!

Hallelujah - Panic! At The Disco

What I've been watching:

About a year ago I watched The Purge and I thought it was a very interesting movie with an intriguing concept. I liked it okay. And then this past week I watched The Purge: Anarchy and oh my gods! It was SO much better than the first one! SO good!! It was emotional, we actually got to be out on the streets while the Purge went on (as opposed to being confined in one house like in the first movie...), and I felt like we really got to understand this sort of dystopian world more than in the first one. I just cannot get over how great it was! I was surprised to see that the guy from The Winter Soldier was in this movie, but I totally loved him! Have you guys seen this movie? What'd you think? I'm actually looking forward to the third movie!

The Purge Anarchy

One show I started watching basically out of nowhere, is Criminal Minds. All the shows I watch have mostly all ended and wont be back for fall, so I gotta keep myself occupied somehow (don't judge me! lol). What I like about this show in particular is the strong psychological component behind it. I've always found psychology interesting, so that's probably why this show pulled me in. There are some very moving episodes and, well, I'm really liking so far :) (And I may or may not be developing a crush on Dr. Reid... shhh ;))

Criminal Minds on CBS


Posts you may have missed:

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (#59)
Monthly Wrap-Up: April-May 2015


Terminal  (Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper, #4) Shinigami Eyes (Shinigami Eyes, #1) Ten

Cold Burn of Magic (Black Blade #1) When Lightning Strikes (1-800-Where-R-You, #1)

Book Haul

Review Books:

The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts (The Unbelievables, #1) I'm with Cupid (Switched at First Kiss, #1)

Thanks to Beckett Publishing Group for The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts and to Sourcebooks Jabberwocky for I'm with Cupid! Super excited to read both of these!


The Magic Shop

[Click the image to take you to the Amazon page! But check the price first to make sure it's still free!]

I went to my local Hastings the other day and I found these awesome buttons on some random table.. just for the taking. So I took them :) I do love me some Percy Jackson ;)


And you will never guess where I bought this book, never. I got it from the dollar store! Weird, I know! Best part, it was already on my to-read list, so yay! :)

Won in Giveaway!

Thanks to A. Lynden Rolland (like, really, thanks! I thought I'd only one a swag pack but then I find a book in the mail? Best surprise ever!) and Zoraida Córdova for the goodies!

How was your guys' week? Did you guys get some awesome bookish things this week? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. Oh, I love Dr. Reid; he's adorable. I don't keep up with the new episodes but I do like watching all the repeats. Psychology fascinates me too. And yay for listening to Fall Out Boy and Panic! I love both of those bands, but I need to get more of their recent stuff. I'm so bad at that. haha


    1. He totally is adorable! :) I haven't seen the new episodes either, lol. I'm like on season 6 right now. Really great show though! And oh my gods! YES! You NEED to go check out their new stuff! It's great!
