
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Review: My Fairly Dangerous Godmother (My Fair Godmother #3) by Janette Rallison

My Fairly Dangerous Godmother (My Fair Godmother #3)
Title: My Fairly Dangerous Godmother

Series: My Fair Godmother #3

Previous books in this series: My Fair Godmother (#1) | My Unfair Godmother (#2)

Author: Janette Rallison

Genre: YA, fantasy, fairy tale retelling

Publication date: April 2015

Published by: Rally Point Press

Source: Own e-book

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Some people bomb auditions. Sadie Ramirez throws up during her tryouts on TV show America's Top Talent. Her performance is so bad, it earns her a fairy godmother through the Magical Alliance's Pitiful Damsel Outreach Program. Enter Chrysanthemum Everstar: a gum-chewing, cell phone-carrying, high heel wearing fairy godmother in training. She misinterprets Sadie's wishes and sends her back in time to be a part of The Little Mermaid story and then makes her one of the twelve dancing princesses. Wishes are permanent, and if Sadie wants to get back to her home, she'll have to strike a magical bargain--one that involves stealing a goblet from a powerful fairy queen.

My rating: ★★★★★

I love this series SO much! And Chrissy too! The crazy, astonishingly-bad-at-her-job fairy godmother. Like I’ve said before, teens will be teens whether they are supernatural creatures or not. Lol. But, gods! She can actually be frustrating sometimes with how wrong she can get the wishes! It’s ridiculous, really. Ridiculously fun! Haha.

Speaking of wishes, in My Fairly Dangerous Godmother we get to explore the Little Mermaid fairy tale and the Twelve Dancing princesses. Delving into that last one was great because it’s one of the fairy tales I'm least familiar with. What is also great is that the fairy tales retold in this book are the Grimm versions (I’m pretty sure...) which I love because they are more grisly, muahaha!

I also really liked the fact that we got more insight into the fairy world, into Chrissy’s world, which wasn’t touched on very much in the previous two books.

Another thing I liked that differed from the other books was that our main character meets her love interest inside the fairy tale! And it was just so interesting because they have to work together but they are also in competition and it was just great! Speaking of the love interest, I loved him! SO swoon-worthy!

My Fairly Dangerous Godmother had very lovable characters and was very fun, humorous, adventurous, very sweet, even suspenseful at times with a slightly more serious undertone than the previous book... which is definitely not a bad thing. This book differed from the previous in a couple aspects, but it was different in a good way! I love this series and I highly recommend it to everyone, especially if you love fairy tale retellings! Janette Rallison’s interpretations are the best!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)

1 comment:

  1. I have the first book in this series, but I haven't read it yet. I love the Little Mermaid. I'm glad you love the series so much.
