
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sunday Post #104: A Cure Worse Than The Illness

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

So, how have I been this week and what have I been doing, you ask? Well, this kinda correlates with what I've been listening to on repeat this week...

I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance

I caught a cold, unfortunately. And while that's not fun, that is not the worst thing that happened. Friday night I took some Nyquil to help with the symptoms 'cause I hadn't been sleeping very well the last two nights, but boy do I regret it! I've never taken this particular medication before, but I felt like I was dying! That med made my heart beat super fast, I had awful anxiety, was very shaky, and it felt like hotness was running up and down my veins... it was horrifying! This came and went all night and I didn't sleep at all. This started at around 11:30 Friday night and I didn't start feeling better till Saturday evening. For a while I thought I was having an allergic reaction, but I now I know it wasn't that. This medication has a drug to help you fall asleep, but sometimes this can have the opposite effect on some people (especially children), like me! So, yeah. That was a horrible experience. And being the stubborn nurse that I am, I didn't go to the doctor's (even though I probably should've) and decided to stay home and wait it out. I don't care how long I have this cold, I am done with the drugs! Lol.

What I've been watching:

I had Friday off, which was fine by me 'cause I was sick (as you previously read), but I still ended up waking up at 5 am. So decided to have a little Captain America marathon! That was fun :)

Winter Soldier Captain America Civil War

I also binge watched season 2 of Zoo on Netflix! It's a very interesting show about an animal apocalypse, I guess. Lol.


Nail art of the week:

This week I got a simple reciprocal gradient...well, maybe not simple if you've never done it before ;) But the result is amazing! I used the purple polish I got last week. I think it turned out pretty decent.



The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus, #5) The Crown of Ptolemy (Percy Jackson & Kane Chronicles Crossover #3)

Book Haul


Awaken (Awakened Fate Book 1) by [Malone, Skye]

[Click the image to take you to the Amazon page! But check the price first to make sure it's still free!]


My last batch of books from Thrift Books!

For Review?

So I got this surprise in the mail the other day. I don't remember entering a giveaway for it or requesting an ARC, mostly because it's contemporary and I don't really read that sort of stuff, but there it is. Surprise. But hey, free book! I might give it a read... or I might just give it away. I don't know yet.

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

1 comment:

  1. This book that came as a surprise looks soo good. I understand that if you don't read contemporary it does not appeal to you, but maybe it is good. You can give it a try and then decide?
    Anyway, I hope you'll get better soon.
    Btw, you made me listed to My Chemical Romance with your post. Thanks! ;)
