
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Review: Cassidy Jones and the Luminous (Cassidy Jones Adventures #4) by Elise Stokes

Cassidy Jones and the Luminous (Cassidy Jones Adventures, #4)
Title: Cassidy Jones and the Luminous

Series: Cassidy Jones Adventures #4

Previous books in this series: Cassidy Jones and the Secret Formula (#1) | Cassidy Jones and Vulcan's Gift (#2) | Cassidy Jones and the Seventh Attendant (#3)

Author: Elise Stokes

Genre: YA, urban fantasy, paranormal

Publication date: September 2014

Published by: JACE Publishing LLC

Source: For review from author

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They need. They seed. They breed.

An inhuman evil lurks in the depths of Lake Washington— an evil that walks among us. They look like us...they talk like us...but they are not us. And when Cassidy Jones discovers that they threaten life as we know it, can she summon the power to stop them? In her greatest test yet—and her greatest adventure— the world hangs in the balance against a relentless and insidious adversary: the Luminous.

My rating: ★★★★☆

Oh my gods, you guys, this series is so awesome! But I’ve already told you that ;) It’s just such a fun world full of insane villains trying to take over the world for one reason or another. Good thing Seattle’s got Cassidy, superhero extraordinaire!

I love Cassidy! She’s got a lot on her plate and things are just so much more complicated in this book. She struggles so much, she really does, but she somehow makes it through with the help of her friends. Speaking of friends... I seem to be falling in love with Emery with each passing book *swoon* And I am so glad Cassidy finally got to see a little of what I’ve seen in Emery from the start! Yay! I am telling you there is more to the guy than he lets on!

As for the other boy in Cassidy’s life, Jared, well, what can I say that I haven’t already mentioned before? I like him just fine. He is a really sweet guy and I can see why Cassidy likes him so much. I actually did swoon a little bit when they had a moment... but Emery, man! Anyway, this book was a bit more centered around Jared, which I found very interesting. There were some crazy plot twists I did not see coming!

Speaking of plot twists, Cassidy’s two worlds are colliding in more ways than one. In the midst of a life or death situation, Cassidy finds herself exposing her abilities to someone very close to her. This person’s reaction, as you can imagine, was full of shock, and probably a little horror. I mean, Cassidy is a fifteen-year-old girl who is basically Supergirl! Dealing with this was insanely hard for Cassidy! Good thing Emery was there for her... gods, I love him! Are you sick of me swooning over Emery yet? ;)

Cassidy Jones and the Luminous was another great, action-packed read with amazing characters and an insane villain you won’t believe! It was a crazy plot that in a world like this, actually worked really well! And that cliffhanger at the end... what's going to happen to him?! I cannot wait for the next book in the series!

P.S. I kind of missed the fun costumes. I mean, the ninja, bigfoot, the mummy... and a ski mask in this one? But hey, Seattle has given her a name, so that's something. The Seattle Shadow, oh yeah!

Updated cover:

Cassidy Jones and the Luminous (Cassidy Jones Adventures, #4)

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the wonderful review, Liliana. I'm glad you enjoyed the installment. :) Regarding what the reader learns at the end of the story, that development took me by surprise too. It came to me when I was nearly finished writing the first draft. Cassidy's life becomes more complex in this installment, for sure, and even more so in The Eternal Flame. Hope you'll continue the series. I'd love to hear your reaction to the new developments in Book 5, especially concerning Emery.
