
Friday, January 13, 2017

Review: Spell Bound (Hex Hall #3) by Rachel Hawkins

Spell Bound (Hex Hall, #3)
Title: Spell Bound

Series: Hex Hall #3

Previous books in this series: Hex Hall (#1) | Demonglass (#2)

Author: Rachel Hawkins

Genre: YA, paranormal

Publication date: March 2012

Published by: Disney Hyperion

Source: Library book

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Just as Sophie Mercer has come to accept her extraordinary magical powers as a demon, the Prodigium Council strips them away. Now Sophie is defenseless, alone, and at the mercy of her sworn enemies—the Brannicks, a family of warrior women who hunt down the Prodigium. Or at least that’s what Sophie thinks, until she makes a surprising discovery. The Brannicks know an epic war is coming, and they believe Sophie is the only one powerful enough to stop the world from ending. But without her magic, Sophie isn’t as confident.

Sophie’s bound for one hell of a ride—can she get her powers back before it’s too late?

My rating: ★★★★☆

I love anything witchy and magical, and Spell Bound was just a fun read! This whole series was amazing! Snarky Sophie and swoon-worthy Archer... LOVE! There were a lot of surprising twists and turns in the story, which I loved. And it was just a fantastic ending to the series, but it makes me sad! *cries*

I only had one problem with this book though: you know, how in some sequels in series there are parts in the books where they recap what happened in previous books in said series? And you’re all, “Oh, right! I remember that now!” Well, this one didn’t have that, and it made me very confused because it had been a while since I last read Demonglass. Me, basically: “Oh... yeah! I think I remember that... maybe? Wait, what?”


Being confused is not fun. But overall, I really enjoyed this finale to a wonderful series! I cannot wait to read the companion novel!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)