
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sunday Post #118: Building Coasters...

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

I don't play a lot video games. I'll once in a while play games on my phone (my fave is Minion Rush! So much fun! Oh and Tetris! Classic), but not actual video games, typically. Well, recently I've had the sudden urge to play one in particular:

Thrillville: Off the Rails

I used to love this game SO much! It was just a lot of fun! But the thing is our memory card was corrupt so that's why no one had played on the PS2 for a while (we also have it for the Wii, which works just fine, but for whatever reason I prefer this version. I'm weird, I know lol)... and then I got me a new memory card! It arrived from Amazon within two days... without Prime! I was so happy! So yes, I am currently playing this and am almost done with the first world. I think I just need to play a couple more mini games and build 2 more coasters. I love building coasters! It's definitely my favorite part! Plus some of the mini games are pretty fun, too.

I also made some cookies!

They were really good! In fact, they're already gone! Lol. You can find the recipe I used here! It's the cookies n cream one! That's right, cookies and cream flavored cookies... they're delicious!

What I've been watching:

Nothing noteworthy, really. I did catch up on Dragon Ball Super because I was like 5 episodes behind!

Vegeta + Bulma

That was definitely my favorite part! Vegeta is such a jerk and doesn't like showing that he cares, when he actually really does. Awww. I love him! Don't judge me ;)

Nail art of the week:

I actually did this just last night as I was catching up on Dragon Ball Super. I think they turned out really pretty! Check out that holo 😍


Reviews posted this week:

Whisper Visions (The Mystical Encounter #1)

Other Posts:

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #90

Monthly Wrap-Up: February 2017

Book Blitz -- Guest Post + Giveaway: Life is but a Nightmare (Elysium Legacies #2) by Erin Hayes

Book Haul


I have a cousin who is a librarian, and she was telling me about this book she was reading that I thought sounded super cute, and look! How freaking awesome of her! Thanks so much!

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

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