
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday Post #217: I'm Not Anti-Social, I'd Just Rather Hang Out With Fictional People

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Just another week of work, work, work. It's Saturday night as I write this, and I just got back from a wedding and... oh man, I do not like weddings 😬 Lol. I literally only went for the food 😂 I don't know about the weddings you go to, but the ones I got to are extremely loud and obnoxious, and to top it off, the one I went to today, the venue was extremely small and packed full of people! My anxiety was definitely starting to get the better of me 😩

Image result for antisocial meme

I was telling my cousin today that it's so ironic that we were here sitting in a social gathering and yet we couldn't SOCIALIZE because the music was so damn loud! Anyway, I lasted all of 2 hours before I left 🤷‍♀️ Lol.

What I've been watching:

Image result for supernatural season 15 poster

The very last season of my favorite TV show, Supernatural, premiered last week and I finally got caught up this past Friday, and it hit me right in the feels 😩 Oh this season is really going to hurt, but I'm enjoying it so far! Lol.

What I've been listening to:

Some spooky stuff...

What Would Happen If I Picked Up This Knife? - This one is super messed and kind of sad, but it's really good! This one is about 15 minutes long.
The Russian Sleep Experiment - This is a classic and still remains one of my favorite stories. It's also about 15 minutes long.
I Tried to Recreate the Russian Sleep Experiment - And this one was a surprise but I really enjoyed it! It's also super messed up. This one is about 20 minutes long.

A podcast I've been trying to catch up on recently is the Myths and Legends Podcast, and I recently listened to an episode that was just... wow. I adore Greek mythology, so I know quite a bit about it, but I am not an expert. The episode I listened to recently I really loved because this was a myth I did not know! It's about Theseus... and he is an absolute dick! I kind of hate him now... but I guess that's why these are called Greek tragedies, right? 😂 But I really enjoyed learning about this myth. If you love Greek mythology, I highly recommend this podcast!

93A-Amazons: Wonder Women
93B-Theseus: Love and War

This is a 2-parter that runs at about an hour total, and the second episode is the one that just blew me away! Greek tragedies, man 😲😬

Nail art of the week:

I have a different design on each hand, but they are both Halloween themed! Lol.


Reviews posted this week:

Hey Diddle Diddle The Zombie In The Middle (Mellow Summers, #14) The Second Horror (99 Fear Street: The House of Evil, #2)

Other Posts:

#172: Finally Finishing The Mortal Instruments?!

Halloween Creatures 2.0 Book Tag!

#35: Uh Oh...

Ongoing Giveaway:

Spooktacular Hop

Book Haul

Nothing this week.


How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. I totally get that fear of weddings thing---they're almost never fun. Too many people you don't know, too loud---ugh! Love your Halloween nails, though!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  2. I know what you mean about all work. Sorry I missed so many of your posts this week. So little time. And I like the title of your post!
