
Monday, November 18, 2019

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #177: Back at the Gas Station!

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at Book Date and Unleashing Reads.

DNF (for now):

Dreams of the Dead (The Waking, #1)

I ended up reading only one chapter of this book before I just didn't feel like reading it anymore, so I am putting it back on my tbr shelf.

What I finished reading this past week:

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy The Stepsister (Fear Street, #9) The Stepsister 2 (Fear Street, #33)

The Stepsister duology was an okay read, but I really loved Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy! It had a bunch of short stories but my definite favorite was one with Alec and Magnus. It was just 😍😍😍

Currently reading:

Japanese Demystified, Premium 3rd Edition (Demystified Language) Tales from the Gas Station: Volume Two

I started volume 2 of Tales from the Gas Station and I love it! I just love this weird world and the weird characters.

Up next:

Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices, #1)

I don't know when exactly, but I will be starting this one of these days! I'm also in the mood for something else, I just haven't figured out what that is yet. Lol.

What are you reading this week?


  1. I think it's cool that you're learning Japanese. My daughter took it for a year, and it's such a tough language because it's so different from ours!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. It is really hard! The grammar and just the way you structure sentences is really different! But I am enjoying the challenge. Lol.
