
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday Post #221: Better

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Last week was just a hot mess, but this week I am much better. My anxiety is pretty much gone and I only get the slightest bit when I drive. But so far I am doing okay. As far as my car goes, it's still in the shop and I currently have a rental. It should be done by Tuesday, so we'll see. I also have some much needed days off this coming week, and I can't wait.

I got my Tati palette a couple weeks ago and I am in love with it! I've been playing with it a lot and the colors are just gorgeous!

What I've been watching:

I haven't been watching a lot, but as I write this on Saturday night I'm actually watching Ju-on, the Japanese version of The Grudge. I'm gonna be honest, I like the Englsih version better just because I think it's scarier. But I'm enjoying watching the Japanese version because OMG I actually understand some words! I don't understand full sentences yet, but I catch a word here and there that I get, and it is really cool! Lol.

The Grudge.

What I've been listening to:

We're back at the Gas Station for Halloween! Yay! So far there are 3 parts to this story and I am enjoying it immensely! It is one of my absolute favorite worlds to visit!


Posted this week:

#176: Don't Know Where To Go From Here...

#39: But I Don't Like History?

Ongoing Giveaway:

gratitude giveaway.jpg

Book Haul


First up, I got this signed copy of Supernova! Yay!

Tales from the Gas Station: Volume Two

And I also got some more Tales from the Gas Station because I just can't get enough. Lol. I bought both the ebook and the audiobook because I just love MrCreepyPasta's narrations.

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. Glad you're doing a little better. I just went back and read last week's post, and it sounds like the whole experience was horrifying!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. It was! But I'm glad that's behind me now 😅
