
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sunday Post #220: I Prefer Boring Normalcy

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

It was quite an eventful week... and not in a good way 😩 First of all, I was sick, I'm only just feeling better now... physically at least. But then on Thursday night/Friday morning I had a horrible anxiety attack that left me shaking. This has only happened to me once before and it is not fun at all. I was contemplating calling in sick to work on Friday because I didn't get any sleep that night and I was still feeling a little off when I woke up in the morning, but I didn't. I really, really should've.

I left work early and I was driving home when this truck on the highway from the oncoming traffic had a giant, metallic piece of equipment on the back with a... thing protruding from the side, and guess what? What ever that thing was hit my driver-side mirror AND window and before I knew it my window exploded and I was bathed in glass. The guy didn't stop and I was in shock (but otherwise fine... just a couple scratches on my hands from the glass, but even that was extremely minimal) and now my car is in the shop getting repaired and I am STILL dealing with residual anxiety that just doesn't want to completely go away (which is why I'm not going into this in detail 😖 But here, have a picture of my misery lol).

Window? What window? 🤷‍♀️ Lol.

Remember in previous posts when I said nothing exciting happened that week, just the same old same old? Yeahhh, I miss those days.


Review posted this week:

Evil Powers (Fear Street Collector's Edition, #5)

Other Posts:

#175: Can't Stay Away From Those Shadowhunters

#3: I Finally Finished The Mortal Instruments And I Am Not Okay

#38: Vampires and Superheroes and Murders, Oh My!

Book Haul

Nothing this week.

How Does It Compare? | This Remake Of The “Aerobics Video That Wins Everything” Wins Everything

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. Oh my goodness!! I'm so sorry to hear about that accident---that must have been terrifying!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
