
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Monthly Wrap-Up: March 2020

How is everyone? I hope you're all doing well under the circumstances. March was a tough month not only for me, but for everyone around the world, I presume.

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The things that are going on right now really got to me. I've been feeling very down and my anxiety is bubbling just under the surface. Fun times. All of this just killed my mood to read. I was doing SO well in January (10 books read) and February (15 books read), but this month? Oh, you just wait and see...

Books read this month:

When Life Gives You Demons Crush the King  (Crown of Shards, #3) The Cheater (Fear Street, #18)

3 books. That's it. This is such a major drop off compared to the numbers I got the last two months. And okay, yeah, I get into reading slumps every once in a while, but this time I actually know WHY I fell into a reading slump and I can pinpoint WHEN it started almost exactly. The why is pretty obvious, it just takes a glance at the news to figure it out. The WHEN actually started around the time of reading Crush the King. I finished this book on March 5th then I moved onto The Cheater. You know I love reading Fear Street. One of the reasons being how short they are. I typically finish a Fear Street book in literally a day, but this one took me THREE days. That is insane! It's extremely short but I just wasn't feeling it. I eventually finished it and started on another book that I am still in the middle of. I'm gonna be honest, I haven't read a page  in WEEKS.

Favorite book of the month:

Crush the King  (Crown of Shards, #3)

I love all Jennifer Estep books so I really enjoyed this one. It was also the last book in the series and I overall really liked how it wrapped up.

Least favorite book of the month:

The Cheater (Fear Street, #18)

Fear Street books are often hit or miss, and this one was kinda a miss. I did not like the main character at all, but I also think my overall mood throughout this month affected my enjoyment of reading 😩

Book Reviewed in this month

Crush the King  (Crown of Shards, #3)

Crush the King (Crown of Shards #3) by Jennifer Estep | ★★★★☆

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Enter to win a copy of Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare!

Honestly, I'm just glad March is over cause holy crap was it awful! I hope April treats us better 😞

Let me know what your favorite read this month was and what you are looking forward to reading next month!


  1. Yeah, this past month truly has been something else...
    Happy April, stay safe!

  2. I had a horrible reading month too. I didn't get any reading done because of the craziness that was going on. I hope everyone stays safe!

    Here’s my March Monthly Wrap Up!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Yeah, I've been noticing that trend around. I think I've finally gotten out of the funk... I finally finished a book today! Still not feeling great, emotional wise, but I'm getting there.

  3. I had a really hard time reading in March too. I've done a little better this month, though. I guess I'm getting a little used to surreal?

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. That's good to hear! I am definitely not getting used to things. At least not yet.

  4. I had a difficult time reading too at first, until I got into a routine. Sometimes the anxiety comes back and I have to start over again. I know how much you love Estep's books as well as Stine's. I hope your April is going better.

    1. That's great! This week I started on a routine too of reading at least one chapter every night, and that's been helping. I finally finished the book today, sooo progress? Lol.
