
Saturday, May 30, 2020

Monthly Wrap-Up: May 2020

Hope everyone had a good month! I'm still trying to adjust to my night shift schedule, and with every week that passes, it's getting better. We're still under lockdown and our numbers have not gone down or plateaued, which is very upsetting. But I have hope that in the coming weeks/months things will start to get better. Reading wise, things are going okay. My mood for reading is still all over the place and nowhere at the same time. I just don't know what I'm in the mood for or if I'm in the mood for anything. It's a weird time 🤷‍♀️

Books read this month:

The Necromancer's Library (Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper, #12)Gone Rogue (Wires and Nerve, #2)His Final Girl (B Mine #1)

Read 3 books this month! Well, 2 and a graphic novel. Lol.

Favorite book of the month:

The Necromancer's Library (Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper, #12)

Definitely loved this one! I love the Ellie Jordan series and I was just very happy to be back in this world!

Least favorite book of the month:

None! I really enjoyed all 3 books I read!

Posted this month

#8: Actual Progress!

Let me know what your favorite read this month was and what you are looking forward to reading next month!


  1. I finally got my reading groove back this month. I think re-reading some of favorite books helped.

  2. I loved Wires & Nerve. Marissa Meyer is one of my faves! Happy June!

    1. It was great! I just love that world in general!

  3. I've never read the Ellie Jordan series but it sounds like something I would love!

    1. I highly recommend it if you love ghosts/haunting type books! It's so good!

  4. Sorry to hear that the numbers near you haven't been going down. Ours have and things are beginning to open up again. I just hope that things don't go right back to where we started!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. That is so good to hear! The problem for us is that people just don't listen! They don't follow the rules and then they want things to open back up. It's not how things work 🙄

  5. I love those nails! I have been playing too much of a video game to get as much reading as I should be getting done. We've started opening things up around here again. Unfortunately an area in my state was on the national news for a big crazy party over Memorial Day weekend, so we're still kind of waiting to hear if the numbers get worse because of that. Hope you have a great June!
    Lisa Loves Literature's May Wrap-Up Post

    1. Thanks! Oh no, that's not good 😬 Hopefully your numbers aren't too crazy. But that's awesome that you're opening up. We're still waiting to be moved to phase 2 but I honestly don't know when that's gonna happen.

  6. I'm glad to hear that the adjustment to working the night shift is going well--I can't even imagine how that makes life upside down. Our numbers have decreased significantly here now that it's mid June, but Michigan just started reopening, so we will see the impacts of this by the end of the month. Plus all the protests and everyone being so close for so long! Scary! I'm happy you liked all 3 books--that's the best. My favorite May book was My Lady Jane--I laughed the whole way through and really needed that in my life.

    1. Yeah! The protests makes things a whole lot scarier! But they are necessary even with a pandemic going on 😬 I've seen My Lady Jane around a lot but have never picked it up! It's good to hear that you enjoyed it though!
