The other day I was browsing through my library's website and I came across this:

It reminded me of when I tried out the Penguin Hotline back in December, where I actually found some interesting books to add to my tbr list. So, I thought it would be fun to do it again, but this time from my local public library!

So for the first few sections I filled in my library card number, then I picked the "reading level." The options were Children's, YA, and Adult, and I obviously went with YA because that's what I mostly read. And last, I picked ebooks just because I don't listen to a lot of audiobooks.

And here we're getting to the good part! I listed 5 books I liked that I read either this year or late last year.

And here I listed 5 books I didn't like. These weren't recent, but just books that disappointed me over the years. It's funny cause I wrote more in this section than in the previous one 🙈😅

And last, I listed some of my favorite authors! I submitted this on May 5th and got back some recommendations on May 8th. And while I put YA as my preferred reading level, they actually included both YA and Adult books because I had mentioned a little of both in the books I liked! That's awesome! Let's take a look at the recommendations my library gave me based on the info I provided (these are all books that are available as ebooks at the library right now):

These first two books are the adult books they recommended (the rest are YA), the first is sci-fi and the second is a mystery/thriller. Here and Now and Then sounds awesome! Basically, it's about this guy who is from the year 2142 and is a time-traveling secret agent BUT THEN on his latest mission he ends up stranded in the 1990s. 18 years later his rescue team finally comes to him... but he's already started a family in the past... but he also has another family waiting for him in the future... Ooof! Definitely adding this one to the tbr list! Watching You sounds like it might be a murder mystery centered around a hot teacher or something? Idk, this one isn't really capturing my attention like the other one did. Next!

A Whole New World sounds like an Aladdin retelling, but I'm honestly not interested soooo skip! The next two books are by Neal Shusterman... I think I've only read one of his books, but I really liked it. Challenger Deep sounds like it's a contemporary which I don't really read much of soooo no thank you. Unwind sounds like a super messed up sci-fi dystopia, and my interest is definitely piqued!

These two I didn't even have to look up because I already know that A.) Red Queen is a YA fantasy I am just not interested in... sorry 🤷♀️ and B.) I own the entire Renegades trilogy so I will definitely get to these books eventually!
I highly encourage you to check out your local library's website to see what cool stuff they have! Maybe they have something similar like this where they can recommend you come books. They may also have some other cool online resources available for you. For example, last Summer I discovered they offer Rosetta Stone for FREE, so I've been learning Japanese since! It's pretty awesome!
Anyway, let me know if you've read any of these books and whether I should give them a chance! 😊

How cool that your library has this! I think they gave you some fabulous recommendations too. Neal Shusterman is my favorite author (and the Unwind Series is my favorite series of all time), so I'm definitely behind that rec! And I haven't read this Mike Chen book, but I read his other one and loved it! This one is high on my TBR.
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Oooh that is good to know! Unwind sounds really interesting!