
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Review: Dating Makes Perfect by Pintip Dunn

Title: Dating Makes Perfect

Author: Pintip Dunn

Genre: YA, contemporary romance

Publication date: August 2020

Published by: Entangled Teen

Source: Purchased ebook

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Synopsis: The Tech sisters don’t date in high school. Not because they’re not asked. Not because they’re not interested. Not even because no one can pronounce their long, Thai last name—hence the shortened, awkward moniker. But simply because they’re not allowed.

Until now.

In a move that other Asian American girls know all too well, six months after the older Tech twins got to college, their parents asked, “Why aren’t you engaged yet?” The sisters retaliated by vowing that they won’t marry for ten (maybe even twenty!) years, not until they’ve had lots of the dating practice that they didn’t get in high school.

In a shocking war on the status quo, her parents now insist that their youngest daughter, Orrawin (aka “Winnie”), must practice fake dating in high school. Under their watchful eyes, of course—and organized based on their favorite rom-coms. ’Cause that won’t end in disaster.

The first candidate? The son of their longtime friends, Mat Songsomboon—arrogant, infuriating, and way too good-looking. Winnie’s known him since they were toddlers throwing sticky rice balls at each other. And her parents love him.

If only he weren’t her sworn enemy.

My rating: ★★★★☆

This book was SO cute! This is actually the second contemporary book in a row that I have read in 2021 😱 I always say that this genre is my least favorite, but here I am enjoying this book like no ones business 🤷‍♀️😂

One thing I really enjoyed about this book was the sisterly relationship between the Tech girl. The twins are older than Winnie and they started their first year of college, but they are still really close even though they have been away to school for a while now. Winnie, instead of being upset for being in their perfect shadows, loves them unconditionally and is very proud of them and all of their accomplishments. She says that a win for them is a win for her, and I love that so much! I love that they get along so well and that there is no resentment or animosity between the girls. It’s just a really sweet relationship and I wish we would’ve gotten more of the twins.

I really liked Winnie, as well. She was very sassy, especially when it came to her hatred of Mat. So these two used to be best friends a while back, but they drifted apart and even started hating one another. That is, until Winnie’s mother decides that she needs practice dating and OF COURSE Mat would be a perfect candidate for fake dating! 😂 This whole thing was so funny! I loved the premise and I enjoyed every second Mat and Winnie were together.

Mat is a bit arrogant, and you know I love me an arrogant boys 😉 Look, I don’t know why, okay? Lol. But when done right, I really enjoy it. I think it’s mostly because it makes me laugh and roll my eyes. Lol. But not only that, he was also really sweet once he and Winnie got to talking. Although I did love all their teasing and the banter as well. And their first kiss... Omg 😍 But it was also 🙈🤣 and I enjoyed every second of it! The romance was just really sweet 🖤 I read Pintip Dunn's Malice last year, and the romance was one of my favorite things about it! That and Bandit 😍

I really enjoyed this book! It was so sweet and so fun and awkward. Lol. I really liked the romance and I loved Mat! Maybe not as much as Bandit, but he's definitely up there 😉 I also enjoyed the relationship between Winnie and her sisters, and I loved the end there when they had a nice, long family conversation. I almost cried because of how emotional it was! I also really enjoyed learning about Thai culture. It’s always so refreshing to read books by POC authors with POC characters. But yeah! It was just a great read overall! I definitely recommend it if you love contemporaries. And even if you don’t (like me!) Lol.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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