
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Review: Scary Mary by S.A. Hunter

Title: Scary Mary

Series: Scary Mary #1

Author: S.A. Hunter

Genre: YA, paranormal

Publication date: August 2010

Published by: S.A. Hunter

Source: Amazon Freebie

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Synopsis: Mary has always been different. She’d like to be normal, but being able to hear ghosts means she’ll never be like everyone else. She starts her junior year of high school hoping to be left alone, but Cyrus Asher is new and doesn’t know or seem to care that she’s a freak. They start hanging out and all is well until she goes over to his house. Cy’s house is haunted, and not by Casper, the friendly ghost.

But it’s not the ghost that ruins the evening. That honor belongs to Vicky “The Hickey” Nelson with her borrowed Ouija board and stuck-up friends. They make Mary so angry that she uses the ghost to scare everybody, including Cy. He throws her out and Mary thinks she’s lost whatever chance she had with him. But there’s still the ghost to deal with. He’s nasty, mean, and possibly homicidal. Mary has to get rid of the ghost or Cy and his family could be hurt. Or worse.

My rating: ★★★★★

This book was SO good for it being a freebie! It was a lot of fun!

So, Mary hears dead people. She doesn’t see them, she hears them. That’s why she calls herself a clairaudient 😂 I really loved Mary—she was snarky and it was great! Lol. I also really loved her best friend Rachel, who knows about Mary and her ability and she supports her and accepts her the way she is 🖤 Rachel is also really funny! I just really loved their relationship and them working together and all that.

“I knew it! You won’t let me Nair bomb Vicky, you won’t show me how to make voodoo dolls, and you always remember to do your chores! You’re not really an outcast, loner, anti-establishment teenager at all. You’re really a secret agent, sent by my father to instill a good influence on me, aren’t you? Aren’t you?!”

Also loved Cy, the new boy in school. He was so sweet and kind to Mary and I just 😍 And they bonded over their dislike of Vicky...

“I had the misfortune of chatting with Miss Nelson and her friends during lunch. I could feel my IQ dropping from osmosis.”

Okay, so this kinda mean of Cy to say, but also, it’s true! Vicky is your typical mean girl and she sucks. BUT I want you guys to remember this quote for books later on in the series because THINGS. But anyway, Cy is just the cutest! He likes Mary and wants to be around her and I loved this so much!

He grinned. “Yeah, I do. May I hang out with you? Is there a formal application process? I have excellent references.”

😍😍😍 Mary almost didn’t know what to do with herself when this cute boy started being nice to her. They were just so cute! But then things take a turn when she realizes that his house might be haunted. This ghost is dangerous and she wants to help no matter what—even if it puts their blooming relationship on the line.

As for the ghosts, they were very reminiscent of the ghosts from Supernatural because they all had an anchor that ties them to this plane. I really loved that aspect!

But yeah, I really enjoyed this book overall! I loved the characters and their relationships, I loved the supernatural aspect, especially if it’s a good ghost haunting story. This book was free, but right after finishing this I bought the next one right away! That’s how much I enjoyed it!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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