My hope is that I'll have all these challenges at least 50% done... but honestly I don't even know how I'm doing. Lol. I guess we'll see.
The challenge: To read 75 books in 2021.
For the Goodreads challenge I'm actually doing really good! In fact, I'm 3 books ahead of schedule! Yay! So far, so good!
The challenge: To read 10 books released in 2021.
For this challenge I have read FIVE 2021 books so far! I am exactly at the halfway point!
The challenge: To read 48 books you have owned prior to January 1, 2021.
Ah, the never ending tbr... so far I have read 24 books off my tbr! That's also at the halfway mark! Last year I completely failed this one, so I am glad to see that I'm on track so far! Lol.
The challenge: To finally finishing (9+) those series that you’ve started but not yet completed. Series can be already completed as well as still ongoing. For ongoing series, the goal is to catch up to the most recent book published by the end of 2021.
So far I have finished/caught up on 4 series! That's not too bad... it's almost at the halfway point. I am absolutely terrible at finishing series, so I am pretty happy with this so far. Lol.
The challenge: To read books with a location, real or made up, starting with every letter of the alphabet.
I am doing pretty good on this one. Of the 26 letters I only have J, Q, X, Y, and Z left. While I'm 80% done with the challenge, all I have left are the hard letters 😅 I'm currently reading Warcross, which takes place in Tokyo, Japan, so I'll get my J done easy... it's the other letters I'm worried about. Lol.
The challenge: To read one book each week of the year.
So far I've been reading pretty consistently over the year and I have not skipped a week yet!
Of the 25 squares, I only have 4 left to fill (84% done)! Soul Mates, Prophecy, Arranged Marriage, and Extreme Doormat are the ones I have left.
The challenge: Read each genre in the bingo card.
This bingo card on the other hand, is not going as well. I have 14/25 squared filled, 56% done... so I guess it's not too bad. I'm over halfway done, but I am definitely gonna have a hard time filling some of these in since a lot of them are genres I don't usually read.
The challenge: Read a book in each category.
And for this one, out of the 21 different categories, I have read at least one book in 15 categories, so I'm 71% done with this challenge!
The challenge: Write 41+ discussion posts!
So far I have written 22 discussion posts, that's just over halfway done with the challenge! And that's with me having not posted any discussion for about a month or two!
So, yeah. So far I think I'm doing pretty well... there's that one bingo card I'm a little worried about and also the hard letters in the A-Z challenge... but otherwise not too bad!
Let me know how you're doing in the challenges you're participating in!
Wow! You're doing great with all these challenges. Over 50% on almost all of them!!
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I know! I was so impressed with myself too! 😂