
Saturday, July 10, 2021

Reading Tastes Tag

I saw this fun tag over at The Book Critter, and it was originally created by Sophia at Sophia's Thoughts

1. What is your favorite genre?

Urban Fantasy! It's been my favorite for a long time and I'm not sick of it yet! Lol. Although mystery/thrillers are a close second.

2. What is the most difficult genre for you to read?

True Crime. To be fair, this is the only true crime book I have read, but it was very difficult to read. I love horror, so gore doesn't really bother me too much. But reading this book and reading about the terrible things people did to other people, I was so acutely aware that these things happened in real life that I just had to take breaks from it. It got DARK. That being said, I loved this book! It was really interesting, but it was definitely a difficult read.

3. What is your preferred age range?

YA! But in the last couple years I have been reading more and more adult stuff.

4. Are you a character driven or plot driven reader?

Definitely plot driven. I have read a couple character driven books and they were good, but I do prefer the plot driven books more.

5. Do you have a preferred perspective?

I think I prefer first person POV over third. I just feel like it's more, idk... personal?

6. Do you have a preferred tense?

Not really. Past tense, present tense... I'm good with whatever.

7. Do you like series or stand-alone books best?

Series! I love my series! Even though I am absolutely terrible at finishing them 🙈

8. Which would you rather, long or short books?

I do prefer the shorter books. Long books can be very intimidating (looking at you Queen of Air and Darkness... even though you were great. Lol).

9. Which format do you like best?

Oooh, idk... I think physical books beat out ebooks by a fraction. I love my physical books, but I also love the convenience of carrying hundreds of books on one device. Plus, with my Kindle, I can read in the dark! Lol.

10. What are you currently reading?

At the time of writing this post, I am currently reading Warcross and so far I am really enjoying it! It is such an interesting sounding world!

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁


  1. Fun tag! I definitely agree about format of books---there are benefits to each, but I guess physical edges out the others just because there's something nice about holding a book in your hand.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Oh definitely! There's nothing like a good, solid book in your hands.
