
Saturday, August 7, 2021

10 Year Challenge Book Tag

I saw this tag over at We Live and Breathe Books and it was created by Rincey Reads. I thought this tag would be perfect to do because I just passed my 10 year blogging anniversary back in March! I still can't believe it!

What was your favorite book in 2011?

Looking back at the books I read that year, I actually read a lot of good books! But I definitely think that Touch of Frost was probably my favorite. You know I love my Mythos Academy 😉

What is your favorite book of 2021 (so far)?

This one was also tough, but I think I'm gonna have to go with another Jennifer Estep book. You seeing a trend here? 😉

What was your least favorite book in 2011?

While the mystery was interesting, the book felt liked it draged on foreeeeveeer. Especially with all its irrelevant backstories. Ooof.

What was your least favorite book in 2021 (so far)?

I've read a few disappointing books this year, but I've only given a 1-star rating to one book so far. And that book is Call Waiting. It was just dumb and the main character was absolutely unlikable... and unfortunately I think we were supposed to like her! No thank you 😒

What is a book published in 2011 that you still want to read?

This one sounds like a fun zombie apocalypse novel! One day I'll get to it. Lol.

What is the book published (or to be published) in 2021 you want to get before 2022?

Marissa Meyer quickly became a favorite author as soon as I read The Lunar Chronicles, so I'm just excited to read anything by her! Especially if it involves fairy tales!

What is a genre you used to read a lot of that you don’t read as much of anymore?

Dystopians. I don't even remember when or what the last dystopian book I read was. But I do enjoy them and I definitely want to get back into them. I think the reason why I haven't been reading them lately is because they're so bleak and I feel like our IRL world is quite bleak at the moment. One day I'll get back to them.

What is a new genre you’ve discovered since 2011?

Contemporary is a genre I REFUSED to touch 10 years ago. I just felt like it was to everyday-life for me. I liked my books to have a splash of a little something supernatural in them. But over the years I've started to expand my horizons and have begun to read a couple of contemporaries here and there, and I've actually enjoyed them! In fact, this year I have read TWO so far (and I loved them 😱)! That's pretty big for me. Lol.

What is a reading or book habit you are hoping to leave behind in this decade?

So I have the habit of starting books even when I'm not done with my current read. And don't get me wrong, I actually love reading multiple books at once. HOWEVER, this also backfires on me because I can get up to reading 3-4 books at once and then I'm overwhelmed 🤦‍♀️ It drives me nuts! Lol. In the last year or so I've been pretty good and have not read more than 2 books at once, so my overwhelmed feeling has been pretty low. Lol.

What is a new reading goal or habit you want to create in the upcoming decade?

One reading goal I have this year is to read at least one book per week, and so far I have been keeping up! My reading over the years, especially last year, has always been very sporadic, so this challenge has really helped. And I'm really enjoying it!

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁

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