
Sunday, June 12, 2022

Sunday Post #302: A Little Trip

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

I just got back from a weekend in Seattle 😪 We did a lot of shopping and it was fun, but man is my introverted self tired. Lol. Also, I'm not that big a fan of shopping... I can be done looking around a store in like 15 minutes. So I pulled out my Kindle and read while everyone else finished perusing 😂 Don't worry, I didn't crash into anyone 😆

I also had chicken and waffles for the first time and omg they were so good! But my favorite part about the trip was definitely making a stop at the bookstore 😍 Sadly, we don't have any bookstores around where I live, except for one used bookstore I don't visit nearly enough. So this was fun.

What I've been watching:

Only the first episode is out so far, but I really enjoyed it! It was so much fun and I really love the style!

What I've been listening to:

So I'm not even sure how this happened... I think one of their songs might've popped up in one of my Pandora radio stations (my MCR one maybe?) but I've been listening to a lot of Falling in Reverse. Some of their songs are a little too intense for me, but overall I'm liking what I'm hearing! On this station, a lot of Motionless in White also plays a lot, which I'm also liking but is also borderline too hardcore for me. Lol. All that being said though, I AM enjoying this new music. Sometimes intense music is what I need. Lol.

Nail art of the week:

It's been a week since I did this and it is super grown out now and not looking great and I desperately need to change it but I just got back and it's late and I have to work tomorrow and... it's gonna have to wait. Lol. It was cute while it lasted though 😆


Posted this week:

#268: Steampunk and Sci-Fi

Book Haul


My purchases from Seattle! These are both sci-fi sounding, which is the genre I've been super into lately and I am very excited to read them! I had not heard of these two books before!

Library Loot:

I am so curious to see how this is all going to end!

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. I always feel like I need a break to recover from a trip away, lol. It's like a holiday to recover from the holiday! All the things and people-ing is just exhausting.
    Glad you had a nice time and enjoyed the bookstores though. :)
