
Saturday, November 19, 2022

Thanksgiving Book Tag

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so I found this fun tag to do! I saw it over at a GREAT read!

Choose a book set in America

This book takes place in Nowhere... Nowhere, Iowa 😂 This book was a lot of fun!

What book are you thankful for?

If were to read this book now, I would guarantee you that I would not like it as much as I did in 2008, or whenever it was that I first read it. But it will always hold a special place in my heart because this is one of the books that made me into the reader I am now.

Thanksgiving Dinner:
What book features a meal that makes you say "yum"?

Any and all Jennifer Estep books! Especially the Elemental Assassin series. I picked this book because this is the most recent book I've read in my Elemental Assassin re-read 😆 ALL of the food that Gin makes sounds amazing! There this triple chocolate milkshake that sounds 🤤

Pumpkin Pie:
Choose a book that you think is very sweet

I don't read a lot of contemporary romances, but the author that really got me into them is Janette Rallison! She just writes the sweetest romances and I love it! I read this one last year and it was super cute!

Food Coma:
Choose a book that's been on your TBR list forever that you really need to read

This book has been on my TBR for 12 years!! But I've heard good things about it and I still do want to read it!

After Dinner Drinks:
What book is your guilty pleasure?

I don't have guilty pleasure reads. I think that closest thing I can come up with is the Fear Street books. But even those I love shamelessly 😆

Drunk Uncle:
Choose an unpopular book that you like

This book only has 29 ratings on Goodreads!! It's SO good though! And super cute!

Black Friday Shopping:
What is the last book you pre-ordered?

I have a couple pre-orders right now, but my most recent one is a signed and personalized copy of Chain of Thorns! I'm so excited!

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁

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