
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

2022 Reading Stats

It's that time of year again to look at some reading stats! I always look forward to doing this post every year because I just love numbers and graphs and charts! Is that weird? Probably 😆 I also have some new stats that I kept track of this year. Did I go overboard with all the stats? Yeahhh, probably. Lol. I regret nothing ðŸ˜†

In 2022 I read a total of 85 books (23,881 pages), which is only 2 more books than last year, but about 3,000 pages more than I did last year! I actually read 2 LESS actual novels this year, but 5 more novellas, and 2 more graphic novels/comics. I also had 3 DNFs this year, and I don't think I had any last year.

Last year this chart only consisted of 10% re-reads, but this year I re-read significantly more! It was all those Elemental Assassin novels 😆

This chart last year was WAY more up and down, but this year my reading was a little more steady throughout the year. The 52 books in 52 weeks challenge really helped with that. I had a particularly good reading month at the beginning of the year, the beginning of Summer, and the beginning of Fall.

And here's a little bit more of an accurate representation of what my reading was like.

This graph is slightly different than last year. Last year I had one book in the 800 page range, and had read more books in the 100 and 200 page ranges than this year. But this year I read a bit more novellas and a lot more books in the 400 page range. Oddly enough, I read the exact same amount of books in the 300 page range both this year and last!

This chart is also slightly different. I read 2 more finished books than I did last year, but I also read 5 more ARCs this year.

This chart has been changing so much over the last couple of years! In 2020 I had only read 33% ebooks, last year 50% ebooks, and this year is 70%! It's so crazy!! But the thing is, ebooks are easily accessible, so if I want to read something I tend to go with those because I can get them right away AND before my mood changes 😂 And omg TWO audiobooks this year! I am shocked! Lol.

This is another chart that is very different form last year. While my main source of books remains myself, this year I only read half as many books I purchased myself than I did last year!! It's crazy! I used my library a lot this year, and I also had a ton of Amazon gift cards I put to good use.

And this one stayed pretty much the same. I read 4 more standalones this year though.

And this chart is new! This one just looks at what number in the series the books I read that were part of a series were. I also read two companion novels that were part of a series but not, like, officially, I guess. Lol.

And this one just looks at the novellas. Lots of prequels this year. Lol.

This one makes me really sad. Not only did I start more series than I started last year, but I also finished significantly LESS series this year 🤦‍♀️😂

This one, though, makes me really happy! No 1-star reads, only one 2-star read, and eight 3-stars! This is probably one of the best reading years I have had!!

This chart is also very different because this is the first year in I don't know how long that I didn't read a book that was published in the 90s! That's right, no R.L. Stine this year! It was so weird!

And here is a more in depth look. I really focused on those new releases this year, and I kinda loved it, to be honest.

This one is also a little different. I read 10% LESS indie books than I did last year.

And here are the publishers broken down. The huge spike in Pocket Books is all the Elemental Assassin books I re-read this year 😆

And without the help of those Fear Street books, this year I read HALF as many books by male authors than I did last year. But I also did read a couple more books that were by both male and female authors.

I always say that I need to read more books by POC authors, but then I just allow my mood do whatever it wants and it doesn't happen 😫 This year I read significantly less and it makes me sad.

This chart stayed relatively the same though. This year I read about 2% more new-to-me authors than I did las year.

This one is also pretty similar. Though this year I read about 7% more books that had both a male and female POV.

This one is slightly different... I read 8% more multiple POV books and 8% less single POV books.

This is another that had only a slight change. I read about 5% less 1st person POV and about 10% more 3rd person POV than last year.

This is one that is fairly different and it honestly shocked me. I don't remember a time (until now) where I had read more adult books than YA!! That is crazy for me! But again, it's definitely all those Elemental Assassin re-reads 😆

This year I read 2 more nonfiction books than I did last year!

This one is also different from last year, but last year was sort of weird, and the chart for this year is what I would expect form me. Last year urban fantasy actually came in 3rd!! This year it's first place, as it should be 😆 Like last year, sci-fi came in second because I just can't stop with the sci-fi these days, and then followed by mystery thrillers and horror. I read less sci-fi and mystery thrillers this year, but more urban fantasy.

These dates are based on when I added the book to Goodreads. I did a good job at reading those newly discovered books, but the backlist? I need to work on that 😅 And the spike in the 7 years, those are the Elemental Assassin books 😆

Last year I did a better job at reading books I owned for a while 😅 But those recently acquired books got read quick! Lol.

The total value of all the book I read in 2022 was $772.20, but I only ended up paying $169.95 overall because of all the gifted and library books I read this year!

These next two graphs are new this year, and they show how many books I got this year from different places, not only purchases.

And this is what that looks like across the year. You'd think that in December, it being Christmas AND my birthday month I would get more books, but no. I am basically the only one who give me books as gifts 😭 I'm not that hard to shop for. Come on! Lol.

And these are my purchases this year. In parentheses I put the number of books I bought from each place. This year I backed an author on Kickstarter and got three books. And man, some of those book boxes there at the end are expensive 😬 But to be fair, these book boxes usually contain a lot of other goodies besides the book.

And here are my purchases over the year. That spike in November is definitely thanks to Black Friday 😆

And that's it for this years reading stats. I love numbers, so this is always fun for me to do. I just hope it's at least marginally interesting to read about 😅


  1. You always do such thorough tracking - I just absolutely love seeing all these charts and graphs! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Thank you 😅 I fee like I'm borderline obsessive 😆
