
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

My Year in Books: 2022

I always look forward to this feature on Goodreads at the end of the year. I love seeing an overview of what my reading year was like.

I completed my goal of 85 books!! This wasn't as challenging as I thought I would be. There was never a point in the year where I thought I wasn't going to make this. My goal for 2023 is going to be 90 books because I don't think I'm quite ready for 100 yet. Lol.

This year I only read 2 more books than I did in 2021, but I read about 3,000 pages more!

Two books by two of my favorite authors 🥰 Last year the longest book I read was also a Cassandra Clare book (Queen of Air and Darkness)!

My average only went up 20 pages this year. Lol.

Heartless was SO good! I honestly cannot believe it took me so long to finally read this book. And one hidden gem of a series I've found is the Space Janitor series! It is so much fun! I love it!

This was one of the best reading years I have ever had!! I only gave ONE book 2 stars, and only eight books 3 stars! Everything else was a 4- or 5-star read!

Yay! More Space Janitor! 😆 Honestly, this probably doesn't have that many ratings, but the ones it does are high, so.

First review was an Ellie Jordan novel... and one of my favorite books of the year!

And my last review I guess is this one? I didn't actually write it this year, but I have been re-reading this series lately.

So that's a little overview of my reading year. I'm excited because tomorrow we're going to dive into this a little more in depth with my reading stats! Yay!😆

Let me know what your reading year looked like in 2022 and whether you completed your Goodreads challenge!


  1. I always love the Goodreads Year in Books! It's such a nice way to get an overall picture of your reading.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
