
Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sunday Post #358: So Many Books...

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

I CANNOT wait for this coming week to be over! We have an audit at work and just... UGH. So annoying. I'm an anxious person, to not freak out about it because that isn't going to help. So far so good. It's gonna be fine. Lol.

This will also be the last week of summer school, finally! The children are driving me nuts and I just can't wait to get a break from them all. Lol.

I also finally joined Threads! If you're on there, let me know cause I need some familiar faces. Lol.

What I've been watching:

Still re-watching Supernatural. I'm currently on season 5. Last week I said that I was skipping around and watching my favorite episodes, but so far I haven't skipped any from season 5! It's such a good season! It has a bunch of my favorite episodes! Just watched Changing Channels yesterday... it's one of the best!

I also watched this movie cause I thought I hadn't seen it before... but I have. It's fine. Lol.

What I've been listening to:

"Dreamblur is about loving someone but no one around you seeing what you see. Sometimes you have a connection with someone that your friends, family won't understand, but you will. Love is a weird language amirite?" -Unlike Pluto

What I've been playing:

I cleaned the Krusty Krab yesterday in the Spongebob DLC of Power Wash Simulator, and it was so much fun! I'm really liking this DLC!


Books reviewed this week:


Other posts from this week:

#324: I Need A Break From Nonfiction
Summer TBR

Have My Reading Preferences Changed?

Book Haul

For Review:

A couple of ARCs this week, a sci-fi and a mystery thriller. Very excited to read them both!

Library Loot:

And a whole lot of library books! Mysteries, fantasy, urban fantasy... I'm currently in a weird mood where I want to read ALL the things, all at ONCE 😂

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

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