I've been reading a lot of sci-fi lately, specifically books that take place out in space and on many different planets, so I thought this would be the perfect tag to do right now! I found it over at a GREAT read and I believe it was created by @haylee.reads on IG. Like Jessica, I tried to use books I read this year, but there were two categories that no books I read this year fit, so I just picked something from other years. Lol.
Mercury Best written
Madeline Miller's writing is just beautiful! I love it!
Venus Pretty cover
I hate Grace, but I have to admit that this is a gorgeous cover.
Earth Where I'd live
This one was tough because even though I love a lot of the worlds of the books I've read, they're not worlds I would like to live in because I know for a fact that I would not survive in them 😂 But the fun, futuristic world of the Space Janitor universe? Yes, please! I love it! And the technology is very cool!
Mars Worst villain
Callus Holloway is the absolute worst! What he does to those with a Truebond is horrifying!
Jupiter Longest book
778 pages long 😪
Saturn Difficult read
This book got DARK. Pip was in a very dark place and I really felt for her. I actually tried to read this book a couple of years ago but I had to put it down because I was not in the right headspace for it.
Uranus Changed my life
I don't tend to read life-changing books, let's be honest. Lol. But I read this one about six years ago and I'm still using techniques I learned in this book to this day! It was so helpful in getting things organized!
Neptune Made me cry
I have not read a book that has made me cry this year. Last year though... this book ruined me. I was a MESS by the end of it! I knew where the story was going and I had a pretty good idea of how it was going to end, but even then I bawled my eyes out. And I'm still not over it 😭
Pluto Powerful MC
Both Gin from the Elemental Assassin series and Gwen from Mythos Academy are powerful in their own right. Gin has defeated powerful elemental after powerful elemental. She is amazing and I love her! And Gwen freaking defeated the NORSE GOD LOKI! So 😎
I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁
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