
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Review- Maniac of New York: The Bronx is Burning (Volume 2) by Elliott Kalan, Andrea Mutti, Taylor Esposito

Title: Maniac of New York: The Bronx is Burning

Series: Maniac of New York (Volume 2)

Previous book in this series: Maniac of New York: The Death Train (Volume 1)

Author: Elliott Kalan

Colorist: Andrea Mutti

Letterer: Taylor Esposito

Genre: Adult, comic book, horror

Publication date: August 2022

Published by: AfterShock Comics

Source: Purchased ebook

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Synopsis: After the tragedy of The Death Train, Detective Zelda Pettibone and mayoral aide Gina Greene have lost the trail of the Maniac — and the support of the city. Copycats are springing up, ten-sions are high and traffic is a nightmare. So, what happens when your favorite unstoppable, mindless killer resurfaces in a Bronx high school? Can Zelda and Gina get there before Maniac Harry adds to his body count? Will the students tear their attention away from their phones long enough to notice there’s a monster in the halls?

This volume collects the entire second volume, issues #1-4.

My rating: ★★★★☆

Well, Maniac Harry is still running rampant through New York and causing havoc left and right.

I’m really enjoying this series! It’s action-packed and bloody and kinda messed up. Harry was at a school in this volume and that made me SO nervous! But the kills were good, I can’t lie. Lol. The illustrations are just so good! Like I mentioned in my review of the previous volume, I know nothing about art, but I really like the art style of this comic.

Another thing I’m liking about this series is how everyone just sort of lives with Harry being a, you know, maniac. Lol. Like in the last volume how all the mayor cared about was his new train and didn’t give two shits about the task force that was put together to take down Harry. Or how they casually drop Harry Safety Tips or sightings during the morning news. Hell, they even have a song...

This cracked me up! I just can’t with these jaded people. Lol. But anyway, speaking of the task force, I’ve been enjoying following Gina and Zelda as they try to stop Harry. It’s difficult for sure. Harry almost seems supernatural in nature, like Jason. So I’m curious to see where the story goes with that.

But I liked this! I love the action and the bloodiness of it all, I’ve been enjoying getting to know sassy Zelda and badass Gina. Although they’re both pretty badass in their own right. I’m looking forward to reading the next volume!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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