
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Post #70: RN Licence, FINALLY!

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week! Let's get started!

So if you've been with me for a while yo know that I finished nursing school quite a while ago. But what you didn't know was that since then I've been trying to get my RN licence but the exam is SO HARD! Until about two weeks ago, when I took the exam, I finally passed it! YAY!

I got my results a week ago today and I cannot tell you how excited I was! All that hard work really paid off :) I actually already have an interview! My aunt set it up for me and I'm supposed to go see the supervisor any time this week... even though I haven't even filled out the application yet! Crazy, I know. Anyway, I'm going to dedicate this week to filling out applications and applying everywhere I can. Really not looking forward to writing those cover letter though =/ *sigh* But wish me luck!


Posts you may have missed:

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (#56)
Spring 2015 Mythology Review Link-Up
The Epic Reads Book Tag!


Three Little Ghosts (The Mellow Summers #4) Oh Holy Ghost

Current Giveaways:

Bookish Haul

Library Loot:

Made 2 trip to the library this week! I don't usually go to the library seeing as how they can just mail the stuff to me in the mail (Mailorder Library, LOVE it!!), especially since they remodeled I had no idea where the heck they put their YA books! Until this time I went I saw the section just as I was heading out the door! Lol. Anyway, The first day I went to go pick up Shutter 'cause it was one of my purchase requests (yay!) and later that day I finished reading the 2nd book in the Elemental Assassins series and I just couldn't wait to start the nest book. So, the next day, I went back to the library and picked up the next 3 books in the series (Mailorder Library takes a couple of days... I didn't have a couple of days! Lol.) Anyway, I am really loving Jennifer Estep's series!

Book Swag:

Speaking of Jennifer Estep, I got some bookmarks! Woot! I actually got A TON to giveaway! I'm a huge bookmark whore and hoarding bookmarks is sort of my thing. Although I really love giving them away too! :)

How was your guys' week? Did you guys get some awesome bookish things this week? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!



  2. YES! Congrats, Lili! That's so exciting! :D

    Hooray for Elemental Assassin! I totally binge read that series, too. It was so fun.

    Angie @ Pinkindle
