
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sunday Post #76

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week! Let's get started!

Nothing to report this week... I did record this Fall Out Boy concert that I found on TV and have been listening/watching it since I found it... Actually, even my little brother asked me today how long it was taking me to watch it 'cause it's been on so often, and I was like, "Uhhh, it's only one hour. This is the 4th day in a row I've watched it..." Haha. Don't judge me! I warned you I was obsessed ;) Anyway, I really like it 'cause they are SO good live and the concert is before their hiatus so it's all their older songs. (But don't get me wrong, I love their new stuff equally!)


I also watched some crappy horror movies that aren't even worth mentioning... Pretty slow week, in all.


Posts you may have missed:

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


Winging It! (Confessions of an Angel-In-Training, #1) Venom (Elemental Assassin, #3) Tangled Threads (Elemental Assassin, #4)

Book Haul

For Review:

The Suffering (The Girl from the Well, #2) Dead Girl Walking

Thanks to Sourcebooks Fire for The Suffering! I'm actually really excited to read this! And thanks to Lawsome Books for Dead Girl Walking! I read this one last week and it was very interesting!


Adventures of a Graveyard Girl (Funeral Crashing, #2) Adventures in Murder Chasing (Funeral Crashing, #3)

This past week I read the first book in this series and I absolutely loved it! So I went out and grabbed the next couple of books 'cause I'm feeling like binge reading this series. So good!

How was your guys' week? Did you guys get some awesome bookish things this week? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. I've seen Fall Out Boy live a few times; they are fantastic! I need to get their newest albums, but I'm SO in love with their old stuff.


    1. Really?! *jealous* I've only seen them like on TV and online, but one day I hope to see them in real life! Ugh, that would be SO AWESOME!!! THere old stuff is the BEST, but girl, Save ROck and Roll AND American Beauty/American Psycho is also amazing! You definitely need to check them out!

  2. I haven't heard any of FOB's new stuff (other than the song in Big Hero 6), but I use to loooove them way back in the day! I don't like listening to music much though. :P

    Angie @ Pinkindle

    1. Excuse me, WHAT?! You don't like listening to music?! *gasps* I listen to it every chance I get! When I'm doing chores, when I'm blogging, right now (listening to some P!ATD at the moment-- oh, nope! Fall Out Boy again :) heh), even when I'm reading! Pretty much 24/7, haha

  3. FOB is a lot of fun, I am glad you have found something fun to entertain yourself with - I have been watch old cartoons on Hulu and am loving that :P Have a great week!!!

    1. I love watching old stuff too! Not too long ago I re-watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers just for the heck of it, haha. It was fun, kind of stupid, but still fun :)
