
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sunday Post #114: Zombie Mom!!

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Nothin' much, just work... like always.

What I've been watching:

I watched a couple of things on Netflix, like Charmed and Supernatural... my go-to shows. But, I also watched...

Odd Thomas Odd Thomas (Odd Thomas, #1)

I really liked this movie! Also, while I was searching for the movie poster pic, I found out that this movie was based on books!! Oh my gods! I am totally checking them out!


This one was pretty interesting. I love me a character with a cool/interesting supernatural ability, and "iBoy" is a technopath! Very cool!

The Perfect Host (2010)

This one was insane with insane plot twists! I really enjoyed it!


And lastly, ZOMBIE MOM! I binge watched the first 5 episodes on Friday and OH MY GODS it's SO good! First of all, Drew Barrymore is a freaking zombie! It can get a bit gory, but it is HILARIOUS! I highly recommend you check it out if you have Netflix!

What I've been listening to:

A couple of Creepypastas for you if you love horror like me... (click on the images to take you to the audio on YouTube)

Jeff the Killer. Idk that I've ever read/heard the origins of Jeff the Killer, but this almost made me cry! I felt so awful for Jeff! And let's just say that the people who get dead in this story, deserved it, in my honest opinion. This one is 52 minutes long. Listen to while you do chores or have a long drive (like me!)

The Tall Man of Briarbell, Missouri was a shorter one at 7 minutes long. It had a couple of really interesting plot twists I did not see coming! I enjoyed it!

Nail art of the week:

Neon gradient with stamping and a holo top coat! I actually did this on a whim with no plan, but I loved how it turned out! I loved this design and didn't want to take it off, but I ended up wearing it for about a week!


Reviews posted this week:

Insanity Book of Shadows (Sweep, #1) Haunted

Don't Breathe a Word The Postmortal

All DNFs, 'cause why not ;)

Other Posts:

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #86: Just, the Same...

Monthly Wrap-Up: January 2017

Book Haul


Kellie's Diary #1 The Living Dead Boy

[Click the image to take you to the Amazon page! But check the price first to make sure it's still free!]


Okay, I think I'm done buying Fear Street... for now ;)

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Odd Thomas series and the movie was great too. I found something a bit similar called I Am Not A Serial Killer. The movie was good and I'm listening to the audible series now.

    My Sunday Post
