
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Review: The Queen's Army (The Lunar Chronicles #1.5) by Marissa Meyer

The Queen's Army (The Lunar Chronicles, #1.5)
Title: The Queen's Army

Series: The Lunar Chronicles #1.5

Previous books in this series: Glitches (#0.5) | The Little Android (#0.6) | Cinder (#1)

Author: Marissa Meyer

Genre: YA, sci-fi, fairy tale retelling

Publication date: November 2012

Published by: Feiwel and Friends

Source: Purchased Stars Above

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It is time. The boy must leave his family to serve in the Queen's army. To be chosen is an honor. To decline is impossible. The boy is modified. He is trained for several years, and learns to fight to the death. He proves to the Queen—and to himself—that he is capable of evil. He is just the kind of soldier the Queen wants: the alpha of his pack.

My rating: ★★★★☆

The Queen’s Army takes place just before Scarlet and it’s about Wolf aka Z, and him being turned into a soldier. It tells the story from the moment they came for him in his home, to his transition through the mutations, to how he became an alpha.

Almost all of them seemed to have a thirst for violence that Z couldn’t claim, though he often pretended to desire the taste of blood and the crunch of bones as much as any of them.

This whole soldier thing is just awful! They were all just kids and were put through this awful mutation and training 😩 I absolutely hate how they’re treated—like the animals they were turned into, and it made me SO sad! Poor Z 😭 And then his brother... yikes! From reading Scarlet, I already knew his brother was a piece of work, but damn! What a dick!

So even though this story made me incredibly sad, I liked it and liked seeing first hand what this awful program was about and the awful things they did to these poor kids because of Levana.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊


  1. Totally agree with you on this. It made me mad, but I loved getting this perspective!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Right? It was very upsetting, but I liked seeing things from his pov, first hand.

  2. I haven't read this series. It sounds like this author really knows how to bring out all the emotions in her readers, including what you felt.

    1. Oooh The Lunar Chronicles are fantastic! I highly recommend the series especially is you like sci-fi and/or fairy tale retellings!
