
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday Post #254: Officially Addicted

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Let's get the not-so happy-out of the way... it's been an anxious week. I've been anxiety-ridden for most of the week and it's not fun. Typing this I can still feel it lurking. Luckily, I haven't had any bad anxiety attacks like I've had in the past. I think everything that's going on is finally catching up to me. Mid-week my brother told me he's going through some stuff and that just added to the mix. That night, while I didn't have an attack, my anxiety did make me want to cry. So I distracted myself by watching some dumb movies. Anyway, I'm okay and I can feel that it's on its way out, so that's a plus.

Lost In Time — omegadeanlovesalphacas: That feeling when you've...

Another way I distracted myself, because I just couldn't find the energy to read this week, was by playing Animal Crossing! You guys, I think I'm officially addicted 😂 Especially because they have all these cute mermaid items and I just need them ALL! 🧜‍♀️ Also, one of the villagers asked me what my favorite hobby was and the interaction really amused me:


Surprisingly, I haven't been studying my Japanese very much this week. Well, what with my mental health maybe it's not so surprising. The one thing I have been studying regularly though are my kanji. I bit the bullet and got a subscription to the website I'm using and I'm well into level 4 (out of 60!). Studying the kanji is just so much fun!

What I've been watching:

I watched two dumb movies this week that really helped lift my spirits: The Meg and Sonic! The Meg was a rewatch and Sonic I watched for the first time. They were both really fun!

The Meg: Dragged down by the silly idea of aiming for a PG-13 rating.sonic the hedgehog, Decal Poster 18x25

And on my Supernatural rewatch, I'm right in the middle of season 7, which is the season with the Leviathans.

Season 7 | Supernatural poster, Supernatural season 7 ...

I love this season! But I miss Bobby! 😭

Ditchable Prom Date GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Nail art of the week:

Some gradients and lots of holo, of course 😉 Another thing that surprised me this week was that I wasn't in the mood for nail art 😱 Sometimes I do my nails twice a week, so that's saying something. But finally last night the mood struck me and I hoped right on it before it vanished again. Doing my nails was actually very relaxing.


Posted this week:

#204: My Love For Greek Mythology Rekindled (But Also Horror Lol)

Book Haul


More Fear Street! Yay!

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. Sorry you had a tough week. Things have just been so crazy in the world, and then if you have family stuff happening besides, it's no wonder you're anxious. Hope this week is better!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  2. Sucks that your week was so tough. I hope this one has been better to you!

    The nails are awesome. I can just barely paint my own nails without covering the rest of my finger... I could never do what you do.

  3. Thanks Nicci! So far so good. Lol.

    Aw thanks! Well it took a lot of practice, and even then, sometimes I get nail polish around my cuticles. Oddly enough, cleaning up is one of my favorite things when doing nail art. Lol.
