
Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday Post #389: Valentines and Chaotic Games

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

I hope you guys had a great Valentine's Day whether you celebrate or not. I'm not gonna lie, it's not my favorite. I think it's cheesy πŸ˜† But I did end up getting Valentines from the kiddos at the school I work at. If you follow me on any social media, then you already saw this, but check out this Valentine box! It's amazing! πŸ˜†

My favorite thing I got that day was this super cute bookmark one of the kids made for me 😭

What I've been listening to:

"Misery is about me disagreeing with the phrase 'misery loves company', for me personally, when i'm miserable, my personality wants me to be alone, not around people. When i'm feeling depressed, anxious, there are maybe 2 people in this world I like next to me, but for the most part, my misery hates company." -Unlike Pluto

What I've been playing:

So I haven't been playing my Super Sim file lately because I started a new save. I started the Every Lot Challenge where you turn on every single lot challenge on the lot you're living on, and it is absolute CHAOS. I love it! πŸ˜†

In the first screenshot you'll see the firefighters dancing sexily after putting out a fire my Sim started in the kitchen (thanks to one of the lot challenges, fires while cooking are very common) πŸ˜‚ In the second picture you'll see that I accidentally killed my Sim 🀦‍♀️πŸ˜‚The house was a mess, EVERYTHING broke because of the Gremlins lot trait, there was mold, and there's pets EVERYWHERE. I had my Sim go around fixing all the things that broke, but what I didn't realize was that she was dazed because there was mold in her house, so when I had her try and fix the refrigerator which was sitting in a puddle of water, she got shocked, which normally would've only given her a dazed moodlet, but she was already dazed so she DIED. Anyway, I ended up not saving that and just restarted from where I last saved. Lol.

Oh I should also mention that I am also doing the 24 while 24 challenge that EA put out in the same save file, and one of the things on the list was to drown a Sim in a pool. Which I did. And this is how my Sim reacted as Katrina was drowning in the pool:

GOODBYE?! REALLY?! You are ruthless, woman! πŸ˜‚

Oh, stop it, you. We know those tears are fake 🀣

Nail art of the week:


Books reviewed this week:


Other posts from this week:

#355: Second Book Syndrome?
#29: Not the Series I Wanted to Finish, But I'll Take It

2024 Bookish Prediction Tag

Book Haul


I loved Instant Karma, so I have been really looking forward to this book! I love a contemporary romance with a supernatural twist! I'm excited to read it!

Library Loot:

But lately I've been feeling in a sci-fi horror sort of mood so I grabbed this one...

And Parasite! (Plus a nonfiction idk if I'll get to. We'll see what my mood does.)

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

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