
Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Summer Camp Book Tag

This fun tag was created by jessethereader. I thought it was such a fun concept, but I'm not gonna lie, the urge to pick Percy Jackson for every question was STRONG 😆 So I decided to go in a completely different direction, and went with a more spooky theme. Lol.

What fictional world do you want your camp to be set in?

I don't actually recommend you come to this camp because since it's set in Shadyside, you have a 90% chance of dying 😂

Camp Name
Find a book title that you feel would be the perfect name for a camp!

When taken out of its series and world and put into a more horror context, Shadow and Bone is CREEPY. I love it! 😆 There is actually a camp in the Fear Street series in the book Lights Out called Camp Nightwing, but I liked my name better. Lol. Camp Shadow and Bone has a nice ring to it. Lol.

Camp Flag
What book cover do you think would make the perfect camp flag?

A crow as the camp flag is ominous... and I like it! 😆

Cabin Names
Pick three random books, flip to a random page of each book, & with the words on those pages come up with names for three different camp cabins.


Okay, so we got Cabin Perfect Silence from The Unquiet (I don't even want to know what that means 💀), Cabin Black Knight from My Fair Godmother, and Cabin Silver Moon from Spellcaster Wild Card.

Camp Counselors
Choose three characters that you feel would be the perfect camp counselors?


This was hard because I didn't want to subject any characters to this camp 😂 Man, I'm really selling this camp, aren't I? 🤣 But I ended up going with Percy for obvious reasons, Jace because he's Jace, and Nico. Why not. He can definitely out-scary the scariness of this camp 😂

Camp Song
Pick a quote from a book that you want to represent your fictional camp.

"I grabbed another cookie off the plate and watched him bleed."

The Fear Street vibes this quote is giving me 😂 I love Gin. She's so sassy. Lol. Man, I miss her... is it time for a re-read? 👀

Camp Activity
Pick an activity from a book that you think would fit your camp vibe!

Do you think that if we taught these kids sword fighting and just fighting in general, it would make things better and help them survive their day-to-day lives? Or would it make things worse? 😂

Camp Book Essential
At camp you have no internet & phone service can be sucky... What new-to-you book would you bring to enjoy at camp?

Well, this camp so far sounds like a nightmare (in the best way possible 😆), so I think I'll probably need something light and fun, so I'm gonna go with this contemporary romance! I love this author's sci-fi books (under the name Julia Huni), but I have not tried these ones from her yet.

Tag a fellow creator to do this tag!

I'm not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! (Oh no, this song is stuck in my head now lol).

This camp was so fun to put together! I would love to do it again but pick a different theme! The options are endless!


  1. This looks like a lot of fun, I'll bookmark it to maybe do myself some time. Sounds like a good camp for a murder movie! Lol
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Omg right? 😂 I'm looking forward to seeing your take on it!

  2. This tag sounds both ridiculous and amazing at the same time 😂 I love your answers, especially the camp and cabin names lol

    I do think I wouldn't survive this camp of yours, but I'd definitely feel cool the short time I'm in it

    1. You know those characters in the first 5 minutes of a horror movie that get killed off right away? That's me 😂 It was a fun tag though!
