
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Post #72: TV Shows Take Over!

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week! Let's get started!

Participant 2015 - Square Button
So you may (or may not) have noticed that I've been really lacking in the posting department... ooops! And I have no real excuse for it. I did join Camp NaNo this month, though. So instead of writing reviews, I've been writing a story! :D I know, still no excuse, LOL. Hopefully I'll have some stuff up this week. Anyway, Camp NaNo, I'm actually really, really behind. I've written about 4,000 words out of my targeted goal of 15,000 for the month. But I figured if I write 1,000 everyday until the end of the month, I can still make my goal! (maybe? lol) I don't know, wish me luck!

Another thing I've been doing is watching a lot of TV... a lot! Every once in a while I'd watch an episode of Modern Family, but I've never really sat down to watch the whole show. I was watching and episode just the other day and I thought to myself, "I obviously enjoy this show, love the family dynamic, and it literally makes me laugh out loud, so why haven't I seen it from the beginning?" And so I started watching it. It's just so funny!

One show I've watched since the beginning and has just gotten better over time is Agents of SHIELD. Oh my gods, it's amazing! It's just gotten so much better after The Winter Soldier when SHIELD just totally and completely fell! If you are a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe like I am and have not see this show, you need to get on it, like yesterday! The thing with this show, though, is that I hadn't seen any of the episodes since the mid season break when Agent Carter was on (another show I haven't seen but absolutely must!) and I don't know why! I finally got all caught up this week, binge watching 6 episodes back to back and OH MY GODS do I regret not catching up sooner! IT WAS AMAZING! It was like Winter Soldier/Hydra all over again! And then the whole things with the Inhumans... I cannot tell you how excited I was about this! I don't read the comic books, so I had no idea what the Inhumans were, but I did know about the movie Marvel has slated to come out in the future. So naturally, I looked it up and it just so happens that the Inhumans are tied into Agents of SHIELD in this second season! That has me really excited because I started to wonder how/if it was all going to tie in with the movie as well. (That would be so cool!) Anyway, Agents is one of my most favorite shows and I cannot wait for more episodes (especially when Age of Ultron comes around, eeeeep!)!



Posts you may have missed:


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (#58)
Monthly Wrap-Up: March 2015


Trick Or Treat Or Murder? (The Mellow Summers #8) Roses Are Red; He's Dead Don't Stay Up Late (Fear Street Relaunch, #2)

Lunatic Detective (Lunatic Life, #2) Unfed (Undead, #2) Lunatic Revenge (Lunatic Life, #3)

Current Giveaways:

On Pinterest:

You all know about my addiction to Pinterest... it's just one of the greatest places on the internet where you can just hoard all sorts of things you love! Well, about 2-3 weeks ago I created a new board where I post all of my book reviews from this blog. That has actually been kind of a hassle so I've only been doing it a couple of batches at at time.

Follow Liliana's board Books, Books, Books! on Pinterest.

And then this week I created a new Music board! :D Weeee! It's mostly (for now) Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy 'cause those are my favorite bands :)

Follow Liliana's board Music on Pinterest.

Book Haul

Review Books:

The Reaper's Daughter The Neptune Challenge (The Neptune Project, #2) Terminal  (Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper, #4)

And my love for reapers continues! I also think there's some mythology involved, but we'll see ;) Thanks so much to Booktrope and Netgalley for The Reaper's Daughter! I also cannot wait to read The Neptune Challenge! I LOVED the first book and am super excited for this one! Thank you Polly! :D And Terminal... guys, Ellie Jordan is one of the best series I have ever read! I wasn't expecting this book till like May, so when J.L. Bryan sent me the ARC yesterday, I was beyond excited! He always seems to show up just when I'm in a reading slump and need something to read! And I actually started reading it last night :D SO good! Thanks so much Jeff!


Gods and Mortals: Fourteen Free Urban Fantasy & Paranormal Novels Featuring Thor, Loki, Greek Gods, Native American Spirits, Vampires, Werewolves, & More

Mythology and FREE you say? of course I could not resist! ;)

[Click the image to take you to the Amazon page! But check the price first to make sure it's still free!]

How was your guys' week? Did you guys get some awesome bookish things this week? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

Are any of you huge Marvel fans like me?? What other shows do you guys like watching?


Do you guys have a Pinterest account? If so link me up below! I'm always looking for new boards to follow and feed my addiction :D


  1. I get wrapped up in favorite TV shows some times Do you have netflix, they have a new Daredevil series on there..I have watched three episodes so far and it's not bad. :)

    Enjoy all your new reads and have a great week!

    Week in Review

  2. I'm on a bad TV kick too. And unfortunately, it's not even GOOD TV. Blegh. I've just been in one of those moods.Thanks for sharing the freebie! :D

    ~ Liza @ Classy Cat Books

  3. Conrats on doing NaNo! I did it in November and it is tough, but awesome!! Good luck!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  4. I feel like I need to return a bit to my TV series because I have been rather bad at keeping up with them! I'm so behind on Castle and I love that show!
