
Friday, April 19, 2024

Review: Krimson Surge (Krimson Empire #3) by Julia Huni

Title: Krimson Surge

Series: Krimson Empire #3

Previous books in this series: The Trophany (#0.5) | Krimson Run (#1) | Krimson Spark (#2)

Author: Julia Huni

Genre: Adult, sci-fi, adventure

Publication date: November 2023 (originally published May 2020)

Published by: IPH Media

Source: Backed on Kickstarter

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Synopsis: They won the battle, but victory comes with a price.

After the triumph at Lunesco, Tony spreads plans for the rebellion throughout the Federation, while Quinn helps distribute resources and weapons. But when a mysterious data card connects her to an old enemy, she must gather friends to protect her children then venture out on her own to find answers.

Avoiding Federation officers and bounty hunters is difficult, but staying one step ahead of the Russosken—the Federation’s hired thugs—requires assistance from dubious allies. Quinn helps devise a plan to loosen the death grip on the Federation’s outlying planets. But if she takes down the Russosken, what rise from the ashes?

Freedom comes at a price. The final bill might be more than Quinn is willing to pay.

My rating: ★★★★☆

One revolution down, a couple hundred more to go.

Or however many planets there are that need to be freed from the Federation. Lol. Quinn, Tony, and the rest of the gang managed to free Lunesco, but other planets out there also need help so Tony and his connections are setting things in motion to make things happen.

I really enjoyed this! It’s just a solid sci-fi series! There’s a lot of action and tension, and there was one scene in particular, a rescue attempt that I won’t go into 👀 that was very exciting! Plus there were some insane revelations that just-

In the last book, we found out that Francine is basically Russoken royalty, or you know, the equivalent for a criminal family. Lol. And in this book not only do we find out more, but things go down! It was insane! And there are also other things that come up with Quinn and her kids, and even the events and aftermath of what happened on the asteroid Quinn and the other military spouses were abandoned on make a return. And it was ALL connected, which was very satisfying.

I also really love the characters in general. Francine is my absolute favorite! But I also love the relationships between the characters. The banter is also great, especially between Quinn and Tony. And it seems like there’s a bit of romance on the horizon? Finally? I’m excited because that’s what I’ve been wanting since the first book!

And another of my favorite characters: Sashelle the caat. I love her! She is so sassy! But don’t call her Sassy because she hates it 😆  The things she does and the things we learn about her... it was great! Especially that ending... She is just amazing!

Like I said, I enjoyed this! I really liked the overall story and their goal, which is basically to make the universe a better place (because the Federation sucks lol). I also love action, and this had plenty of that so that made me happy. Plus, I just love the characters and their banter. I’m really looking forward to seeing how this series wraps up! I’ve been having a lot of fun binge-reading this!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊