
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Monthly Round Up + Book of the Month: September 2012 + 'Otherkin' Giveaway Winner + Showcase Sunday (#20) + FREE e-book

I decided to do ALL my posts in this long just bear with me ;)

I think September was a very productive reading month for me :) Let's take a look at the 8 books I read this month:

Poseidon: Earth Shaker (Olympians #5) by George O'Connor [reviewed this month]
Pretty Little Secrets by Sara Shepard [reviewed this month]
Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft (Audrey's Guides #1) by Jody Gehrman
Wicked (Pretty Little Liars #5) by Sara Shepard

Jekel Loves Hyde by Beth Fantaskey
Eve Hallows and the Book of Shadows (Nightmare #2) by Robert Gray [reviewed this month]
Killer (Pretty Little Liars #6) by Sara Shepard
Myth Weaver David J. Normoyle [reviewed this month]

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"Book of the Month" is a monthly event hosted by Book Whales YA ReviewsThis is done to highlight one of the books that you have read in the previous month.
 This will enable us to comment from one blog to another. Books you recommend for others to read. Hope you guys will join us. We would love to see your favorite book of the month!

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As for my favorite book this month...oh, I don't know. This part is always soo hard for me! I read so many great books! But if I had to choose...I'd go with...

Eve Hallows and the Book of Shadows (Nightmare #2) by Robert Gray

It was just AMAZING! Great sequel, and I cannot wait to read more of this series! (Feel free to read my on link below)

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Books reviewed this month:

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Other posts:

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Current Giveaways:

US and Canada: 1 e-book + 1 colorful necklace;
International: 1 e-book
3 international winners, e-books

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And the giveaway winner for Otherkin is...

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Showcase Sunday (#20) + FREE e-book

Welcome to Showcase Sunday, hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed form the libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week. For more information about how this feature works and to join in, click here.

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Again, I didn't get much this week, but I was super excited for what I did get! check it out!

The first book was just AMAZING and totally hilarious! Can't wait to read this one!

Kimberly Derting was awesome enough to provide some SIGNED bookmarks to give stay tuned!

And even though I already own a hardcover copy of this one, I got an e-book too! Why, you ask? IT'S FREE ON AMAZON!!! Check it out! We don't know how long it will be free for!

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Okay, that's all, lol.

So, tell me about your monthly update, favorite book of the month, and/or the bookish things you got this week!


  1. Cool book haul. I still need to read Croak. Check out my Showcase Sunday

    1. I LOVED Croak! You should definitely check it out!

  2. You really rocked the book haul this week! Wow, you have some very happy reading in your future! Enjoy!! My Sunday Edition @ Paulette’s Papers

    1. Thanks! The books do sound pretty darn awesome ;)

  3. hi Liliana,
    Jekel Loves Hyde cover is so pretty. You've read pretty good books last month. Thanks for sharing :D


    1. Jekel Loves Hyde has a pretty cover AND it's a pretty good story too!
