
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Review: Violets Are Blue More Trouble Brews (Mellow Summers #13) by Janet McNulty

Violets are Blue More Trouble Brews
Title: Violets Are Blue More Trouble Brews

Series: Mellow Summers #13

Previous books in this series: Sugar And Spice And Not So Nice (#1) | Frogs, Snails, And A Lot Of Wails (#2) | An Apple A Day Keeps Murder Away (#3) | Three Little Ghosts (#4) | Oh Holy Ghost (#5) | Where Trouble Roams (#6) | Two Ghosts Haunt A Grove (#7) | Trick Or Treat Or Murder? (#8) | Roses Are Red; He's Dead (#9) | Double, Double, Nothing But Trouble (#10) | Ring Around The Rosy, Not Another Ghosty (#11) | Hickory Dickory Dock The Ghost In The Clock (#12)

Author: Janet McNulty

Genre: Adult, cozy mystery

Publication date: October 2017

Published by: Janet McNulty

Source: Own ebook

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Mel is enjoying her Fourth of July holiday in the park with her fiancé, Greg, and best friend, Jackie, when a contestant in a local beauty pageant collapses and dies. At first, Mel decides to let the police handle the matter, but soon receives a tip from an unlikely source, the obnoxious Tammy, that the woman was part of an old family and that her death was not accidental, but murder. Before she knows it, Mel finds herself scouring the sewers in an effort to locate a missing clue. Will she solve the mystery before Tammy unravels her last nerve?

My rating: ★★★★☆

More murder solving for Mel and her friends! This time a girl at a pageant literally drops dead... during the pageant. At first Mel was going to stay out of it and let the police handle it. Especially because it seemed like she died of heat stroke or something like that. But it turns out that she might have been murdered somehow after all! Detective Shorts is not happy, like always, but Mel sets out to solve the mystery.

“Miss Summers,” he said to me in his usual straight-laced and no-nonsense tone, “this is becoming a habit of yours.”
“Becoming?” said Jackie. “I think by now it is a habit.”

I love Jackie! She is so funny! I also, obviously, love Mel. In this one she’s a bit, well, how do I put this? She takes no shit and can handle herself quite well, and I love that about her! I also love Greg, her fiance—he is so sweet and a hero! He actually tried to save the woman who died on stage, but alas, he was too late.

Jack, Greg’s cousin or brother (after this book, I’m not sure which it is! Lol. I swear in previous books they’re cousins, but this book implies they’re siblings? I don’t know. Lol) is also great! I love him! I love how they blackmail poor Jack into helping them out with solving the murder. Poor guy. Lol.

Oh, and Tiny? He is also amazing! He may be a huge, intimidating biker, but he really is just a softie and such a good friend to Mel. He isn’t even afraid to break the law to help her out. He’s the best! I love when he makes appearances in these books!

And Tammy? Ugh. I dislike her SO much! She is very annoying and irritating and kind of an airhead. Why is she like this?!

Matthew Gray Gubler

Anyway, enough of that. Let’s move onto Greek mythology! You know I love it, so when it was mentioned I got super excited! During her research, Mel comes across the story of Medea and Jason. You know, when Jason left Medea to marry the daughter of the King of Corinth and then Medea sought out revenge. Pretty crazy myth. And it’s actually very relevant to the mystery here! I loved that!

So these Mellow Summers books usually have a ghostly visitor, however, in this one said aspect wasn’t very prominent. It’s a shame because that’s one of the things I love about this series! I mean, we do have a ghost, but that particular plot twist didn’t exactly surprise me.

But overall, I really enjoyed this book! It had another interesting mystery, it was very funny, and it was just a fun read!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)

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