
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Review: Tangled Dreams (Elemental Assassin #3.5) by Jennifer Estep

Title: Tangled Dreams

Series: Elemental Assassin #3.5

Previous short stories in this series: Poison (#0.1) | Web of Deceit (#0.2) | Spider's Bargain (#0.5) | Web of Death #1.5 | Wasted (#2.7)

Books in this series: Spider's Bite (#1) | Web of Lies (#2) | Venom (#3) | Tangled Threads (#4)

Author: Jennifer Estep

Genre: Adult, urban fantasy

Publication date: 2011

Published by: Jennifer Estep

Source: Free on author's site

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This short story takes place in between the events of Venom and Tan­gled Threads. It’s told from the points of view of Jo-Jo Dev­er­aux and her sis­ter, Sophia Dev­er­aux. When a car­jacker fol­lows an injured Gin back to Jo-Jo’s beauty salon, Jo-Jo and Sophia join forced to elim­i­nate the threat.

My rating: ★★★☆☆

Tangled Dreams is told in the POV of Jo-Jo and Sophia, and it takes place between books 3 (Venom) and 4 (Tangled Threads).

Not too far from Gin’s restaurant, a carjacking takes place and a little girl and her mother are in some serious danger. But have no fear, badass Gin to the rescue! She takes out most of the guys, but Gin herself doesn’t get out of this unscathed. Gin goes to Jo-Jo’s salon to get healed by the dwarf’s air magic, but is followed by the thug that got away. While Gin is recuperating from the night’s activities, Jo-Jo takes care of the remaining asshole with a little help of Sophia and Finn.

I really liked this short story and these different perspective! We got to see Jo-Jo in action and see how Sophia gets rid of the bodies, which I always found intriguing. And of course, I love any appearance by Finn. I adore him!

I very much enjoyed the insight into these beloved characters in Gin’s life.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)