
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Review: The Necromancer's Library (Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper #12) by J.L. Bryan

Title: The Necromancer's Library

Series: Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper #12

Previous books in this series: Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper (#1) | Cold Shadows (#2) | The Crawling Darkness (#3) | Terminal (#4) | House of Whispers #5 | Maze of Souls #6 | Lullaby (#7) | The Keeper (#8) | The Tower (#9) | The Monster Museum (#10) | Fire Devil (#11)

Author: J.L. Bryan

Genre: Adult, paranormal, horror

Publication date: April 2020

Published by: J.L. Bryan

Source: eARC from author

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Synopsis: The antebellum mansion sits isolated in the overgrown countryside like a forgotten temple. Within it lie the dark, twisting paths of a private library possessing secrets from across the ages. The collection of ancient and medieval occult manuscripts tell of conjuring spirits and raising the dead, of making contact with supernatural realms and beings usually forbidden to living mortals.

The house's recently deceased owner was a reclusive former professor who transformed his home into a great library, but his desire for hidden knowledge and arcane power may have led him into madness, even death.

Disturbing specters now haunt the new occupants of the house, who turn to paranormal investigator Ellie Jordan for help. Ellie must unravel the mysteries of the occult library before she can banish its ghosts and make the house safe again for the living.

My rating: ★★★★★

It's been a hot minute since I read the last Ellie Jordan book, so I was really excited to dive into this one! I missed Ellie and Stacey and their fun bickering! 😂 And things get even more fun once Jacob arrives! The quips between the characters is one of my favorite things about this series! And just the characters in general! I love Jacob and Ellie and Stacey who is just really sassy and bubbly! I love her!

The house they investigate in this book sounds incredible! There are books literally everywhere! There are books at the entrance, lining the walls, and up the stairs! It's as if the entire house was a library!

supernatural gif

Their client, Cherise, is working to catalogue and organize all the books that belonged to the professor who lived there and recently died. And there's some pretty disturbing stuff in there about raising demons and communicating with the dead and such things. Sounds pretty interesting to me, but it's no wonder they're having some spookiness going on in the house 😅

Unraveling what was going on in the house was a ride! There were some super messed up things and some super gross things, and I enjoyed every minute of it! 🙈😂

I loved this book! The setting was absolutely incredible! It was so fun imagining this crazy house full of books... And ghosts! Can't forget about that! 😂 I love books with ghosts and hauntings, and this is one of my favorite series on the subject. It was also pretty spooky, had an interesting mystery, and of course, had lovable characters! I highly recommend the series! You don't necessarily have to read the previous books to read this one—it stands on it's own pretty well—but you should anyway cause all the previous books are great too! 😊

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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