Title: House of Whispers
Series: Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper #5
Previous books in this series: Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper (#1) | Cold Shadows (#2) | The Crawling Darkness (#3) | Terminal (#4)
Author: J.L. Bryan
Genre: Adult, paranormal, horror
Publication date: October 2015
Published by: J.L. Bryan
Source: For review from author
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The luxurious Lathrop Grand Hotel is a Savannah institution that has entertained guests for more than a century and a half, offering some of the finest accommodations in the city. Famously haunted, the hotel draws tourists from around the world eager to encounter its numerous ghosts. The hotel is also known for being honeycombed with hidden doors and secret passages, enabling staff to appear and disappear quickly as they attend to the hotel's guests.
Now some of the spirits in the Lathrop Grand have turned violent, even murderous. Ellie and Stacey must determine which ghost has become dangerous and remove it from the hotel before it can claim any more lives. They soon learn the hotel has secrets even darker than the notorious string of nineteenth-century murders that made it famous, and the powerful entities inhabiting it don't intend to leave without a fight.
Ah, Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper, one of my favorite ghostly series! I love all things ghosts/ghost stories! This is just so great! And the stakes are raised higher and higher in each book, and I just love that about this series!
There was a little bit of a change of scenery in this one. In the other books, Ellie is typically hired by a family being haunted in their home. This time around, they are hired by a hotel infamous for its ghostly residents. And I very much liked that about House of Whispers! Speaking of the ghostly residents, there were so many interesting ghosts in this one--I mean, we got Stabby Abby, a nurse who killed soldiers. Oh, and we cannot forget about all those psychics that once upon a time inhabited the hotel. I’m not typically a fan of history, like, at all, but I really loved the history of the hotel! And as always, I loved the characters--Ellie, Stacey. Michael, Jacob... I adore Jacob! He is definitely my favorite!
There were also a couple of shocking twists that left me reeling. Ellie’s future is uncertain, in more ways than one. For starters, there’s another ghost hunting company, I guess you could say, trying to buyout the company that Ellie and Stacey work for. And for the record, I do not like Paranormal Solutions, or whatever this new company is called. Not even after we got a little more of them in this one. I mean, am I the only one worried about what they’re doing with the ominous machine thing with a latin name? Do not like. Nope. No thanks.

But overall, I loved it! I actually finished it in one sitting almost immediately after I got it. I loved the history and the ghost hunting, it was so much fun! It was a quick, creepy read with an awesome execution of the haunted hotel idea!
Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)

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