
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Review: Miracle Mountain (Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper #20) by J.L. Bryan

Title: Miracle Mountain

Series: Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper #20

Previous books in this series: Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper (#1) | Cold Shadows (#2) | The Crawling Darkness (#3) | Terminal (#4) | House of Whispers #5 | Maze of Souls #6 | Lullaby (#7) | The Keeper (#8) | The Tower (#9) | The Monster Museum (#10) | Fire Devil (#11) | The Necromancer's Library (#12) | The Trailwalker (#13) | Midnight Movie (#14) | The Lodge (#15) | Cabinet Jack (#16) | Fallen Wishes (#17) | Sunset House (#18) | The Funtime Show (#19)

Author: J.L. Bryan

Genre: Adult, paranormal, horror

Publication date: April 2024

Published by: J.L. Bryan

Source: eARC from author

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Synopsis: In the early nineteenth century, hungry gold prospectors descended on Miracle Mountain in north Georgia, ripping open the ancient wilderness, driven by dreams of glittering fortunes. Local legends tell of mysterious events, like a young girl who defied death after toppling from the mountain's treacherous waterfall.

Today, tourists visit to see the legendary falls along with the blazing colors of the Appalachian forests in autumn. The rustic, antiquated Highwater Inn welcomes them, but specters from the past haunt the halls and terrify the guests and staff. Paranormal investigator Ellie Jordan arrives to help the owners, who are desperate to clear away the evil influences before they're forced to close down and abandon the struggling hotel.

My rating: ★★★★☆

I was SO excited when this book landed in my inbox! I love this series and I was really starting to miss Ellie and Stacey and all their spooky adventures, so this came at the perfect time!

In this latest case, Ellie and Stacey investigate a haunting in an inn that is up in the mountains. I really enjoyed the setting of this book! It sounded so beautiful and peaceful... Until it wasn’t, of course. Lol.

The owners of the inn were, uh, interesting to say the least. Willow, for one, invited spirits into the inn... good, positive spirits, she said. I immediately thought that was a horrible idea because who’s to know what she could’ve invited in! So Ellie and Stacey really had their work cut out for them with these clients. But I liked the story and the lore of the place, with its sad past and miraculous waterfall. I am always captivated by the research section of these books. I don’t know why, I just love the cases and I find them so interesting! And this one was no different! The lore was intriguing, and the actual events that happened were even more so. And as I mentioned, it was also really sad because it dealt with children and loss.

As for the action, it was good as always! The climax was tense and the entities were creepy! I also, of course, loved Ellie and Stacey. I live for their banter, but more than that, they are just good, caring people who want to rid the world of evil and protect their clients no matter how frustrating they can be. Lol. Willow actually went through some forced character development there at the end which I appreciated, and honestly, it was for the best.

But I really enjoyed this overall! The story was good, it was creepy, the end was wild and sad all at the same time, and I just love these characters. This is one of my favorite series so I’m really looking forward to reading more Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊


  1. I love this series too and have all of them but this one. Can't wait!

  2. The cover is very creepy and it's good to hear the series is living up to that for the most part. Great review!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Thank you! This series has some really good covers!
