
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Review: Heart of Venom (Elemental Assassin #9) by Jennifer Estep

Heart of Venom (Elemental Assassin, #9)
Title: Heart of Venom

Series: Elemental Assassin #9

Previous books in this series: Spider's Bite (#1) | Web of Lies (#2) | Venom (#3) | Tangled Threads (#4) | Spider's Revenge (#5) | By A Thread (#6) | Widow's Web (#7) | Deadly Sting (#8)

Short stories in this series: Poison (#0.1) | Web of Deceit (#0.2) | Spider's Bargain (#0.5) | Web of Death (#1.5) | Wasted (#2.7) | Tangled Dreams (#3.5) | Tangled Schemes (#3.7) | Spider’s Nemesis (#4.5) | Thread of Death (#5.5) | Carniepunk: Parlor Tricks (#8.1) | Kiss of Venom (#8.5)

Author: Jennifer Estep

Genre: Adult, urban fantasy

Publication date: August 2013

Published by: Pocket Books

Source: Library book

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The hotly anticipated ninth novel in the hugely popular Elemental Assassin series finds Gin Blanco on a dangerous mission to rescue a friend.

When a terror from the past threatens Gin’s friend and body-disposer, Sophia, Gin will stop at nothing to protect her, even if it means walking straight into a killer’s trap. Meanwhile, the rocky romance between Gin and Owen reaches a turning point—can they reunite and rekindle their love? Or will the things Gin has been forced to do in her line of work as the deadly assassin the Spider keep them apart forever? Assuming, that is, she survives long enough to find out...

My rating: ★★★★★

Gin is at Jo-Jo’s hanging out, having a girls day and trying to relax...

I held up my hand. Jo-Jo had painted my short nails a deep, dark red that was definitely my color. If nothing else, it would help hide the blood that was sure to get on my hands the next time some idiot tried to murder me.

But there’s never any rest for this poor assassin, because Sophia is in some deep trouble. Trouble from the past that has come back to deal with some unfinished business. But Gin is there to help out Sophia in the way she knows how:

Like I had told Finn, my plan was simple. Save Sophia. Kill Grimes. Stab to death anyone who got in my way.

Gin is fiercely loyal to her friends and family, and I love that about her! She’s even willing to sacrifice herself for them. Gin is just the best!

I'm here for you. You brave little soldier. I acknowledge your pain. You're too precious for this world! - 2x15 Tall Tales

Unfortunately for Gin, she’s gotta be the Spider all the time now. And she’s tired. She’s tired of everyone being after her. This is why Owen gave her a little break in the novella Kiss of Venom (which you have to read because it is amazing!) Anyway, I love how these idiots keep coming after Gin even though they all end up dead. It’s not like they don’t suspect she’s a notorious assassin. Lol. It’s amusing how they underestimate her.


But everytime she kicks ass it makes me super excited. I love it!

Hard to think about chasing after someone when your own femur was sticking up out of your skin like a lollipop gushing blood.

Holy shit, Gin. Lol. I seriously love her! Especially when she gets sassy. Lol.

I gestured at the dead men all around me. “You know, you really should get yourself some better help. All your boys are good for is target practice.”

I also love seeing Gin’s amazing powers in action. They are very cool! And Bria too! Her Ice magic is awesome as well! Plus she too can kick some serious ass. Gin and Bria make such a great team!

So this book starts off with Gin and Finn getting rid of a body, you know just everyday life for them. Lol. And I just love how quippy they are with one another! It’s so funny! I really loved this scene with the bickering and the action. It was just so much fun! And I really love Finn! They may bicker all the time, but they really do care for each other. It's so sweet. I love their relationship.

Speaking of relationships I love, the Gin/Owen thing is still breaking my heart. They obviously still care for one another, but are not yet together. I just adore Owen! He actually helps out Gin with the Sophia thing and he is just the sweetest thing ever! I love him! But I’m glad they finally talked about their issues in this book and figure things out.

And speaking of the Sophia thing, this Grimes guy is awful! He was a total creep and a disgusting misogynist! I hated him!

People thought assassins were evil, but at least my violence was mostly contained to my targets and whatever bodyguards they employed. Grimes and his men hurt everyone who’d ever crossed their path, whether they’d deserved it or not...

The things Sophia went through were awful! And she may not talk much, but she is so sweet. I love her. And I really loved seeing this story about her.

This book I obviously loved. I loved the characters, all the amazing action... We’re 9 books into the series and I’ve loved every single one, so I’m finding it hard to find something new to say that I haven’t said before. Lol. I did love that this story was regarding a side character—it was great!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)


  1. From your review, it sounds like this character is amazing--strong, resilient, and loyal are some of my favorite qualities.

    1. Omg yes! The characters in this series are amazing!! ❤

  2. Oh, my. How'd I miss this one. Sounds so good. Thanks for the post <3

    1. This whole series is great! I highly recommend it!
