
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Review: Black Widow (Elemental Assassin #12) by Jennifer Estep

Black Widow (Elemental Assassin, #12)
Title: Black Widow

Series: Elemental Assassin #12

Previous books in this series: Spider's Bite (#1) | Web of Lies (#2) | Venom (#3) | Tangled Threads (#4) | Spider's Revenge (#5) | By A Thread (#6) | Widow's Web (#7) | Deadly Sting (#8) | Heart of Venom (#9) | The Spider (#10) | Poison Promise (#11)

Short stories in this series: Poison (#0.1) | Web of Deceit (#0.2) | Spider's Bargain (#0.5) | Web of Death (#1.5) | Wasted (#2.7) | Tangled Dreams (#3.5) | Tangled Schemes (#3.7) | Spider’s Nemesis (#4.5) | Thread of Death (#5.5) | Carniepunk: Parlor Tricks (#8.1) | Kiss of Venom (#8.5)

Author: Jennifer Estep

Genre: Adult, urban fantasy

Publication date: November 2014

Published by: Pocket Books

Source: Borrowed from library

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There’s nothing worse than a cruel, cunning enemy with time to kill—and my murder to plan.

With wicked Fire elemental Mab Monroe long gone, you’d think I could finally catch a break. But someone’s always trying to take me down, either as Gin Blanco or my assassin alter-ago. Now along comes the Spider’s new arch-nemesis, the mysteriously named M. M. Monroe, who is gleefully working overtime to trap me in a sticky web of deceit.

The thing is, I’m not the only target. I can see through the tangled threads enough to know that every bit of bad luck my friends have been having lately is no accident—and that each unfortunate “coincidence” is just one more arrow drawing ever closer to hitting the real bulls-eye. Though new to Ashland, this M. M. Monroe is no stranger to irony, trying to get me, an assassin, framed for murder. Yet, as my enemy’s master plan is slowly revealed, I have a sinking feeling that it will take more than my powerful Ice and Stone magic to stop my whole life from going up in flames.

My rating: ★★★★★

When Gin killed the infamous Mab Monroe she thought all her problems would be over. Boy was she wrong. Because it turns out that Mab had a secret daughter, and said daughter has come to town to become the new queen of the Ashland Underworld... and you know, kill Gin along the way.

This book was insane and an emotional roller coaster and I LOVED IT!

M.M. Monroe is a sneaky bitch! I hated her and how smart she was! She messes with everyone in Gin’s life, and it was awful to see this happen to all these characters I love. And things go from bad to worse when she decides to mess with Gin...

And don’t get me started on the amazing fights, because you bet there were amazing fights... like always! But I think this had the best battle yet! Holy crap was it good! Why isn’t this series a movie yet?? It would be so good! And I’m not just talking about physical fights with your knives and fists, but the magic use in this series is always incredible! We get our first look into acid magic which we have not seen before, so that was cool. And we also learn about elemental duels which was very interesting.

And you already know how much I love these characters! They are the best! Gin is amazing and caring and fierce and I adore her! She can also be quite sassy and I love that about her.

It was one thing to be attacked in my own restaurant. I expected that these days. But using my favorite skillet against me? That was just plain rude.
No one had ever attacked me with my own cookware, so it was a bit of a new experience to be dodging knives and skillets, instead of bullets and magic.

so funny

I also really liked Silvio, Gin’s new self-appointed assistant. Yeah, she’s got an assistant now. Lol. That’s Gin, making friends as she drops bodies. Lol. And speaking of Gin’s friends, I love that everyone pitched in on this battle, because this was the most intense battle since Gin fought Mab Monroe! And after the craziness of this book, I can’t wait to see what’s next in store for the infamous assassin Gin Blanca AKA the Spider!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)


  1. With all the action and awesome characters, this book sounds so much fun to read. Thanks for including some quotes too as I see humor in the writing which I love.

    1. Oh this series is absolutely amazing! I highly recommend it!

  2. I have been wanting to start this series for awhile. I didn't realize there were already 12 books.

  3. Girl, we're like 17 books in at this point! 😬 lol. But either way, you should definitely get a start on it! It's so good and you wont regret it!
